Time For A Get Away

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I'm a little stunned by what just happened, only because my gut feeling of what Bella has decided is being rushed and she isn't completely thinking of the implications of her jumping into such a choice. Jasper must be able to feel my unease as he grabs my hand gently and leads me away outside. As we stroll through the land around the house, the nature sounds calming my anxiety as well as having Jasper's soothing touch and I realize for the first time since she's moved here, I am actually starting to worry for her.. As we make it far enough from the house to have some privacy for our conversation, Jasper kisses my hand softly, drawing my attention back to him.

"You alright darlin'?"

"I'm alright, I just don't know what to think about Bella jumping into this decision.. Like I understand how much easier it will be for you, I just don't think she's thinking about how Charlie or even Renee will take her just disappearing and never coming to visit.. I just wish she'd think a little."

"I understand, it seems to have all happened suddenly, but it's ultimately her choice and she'll have to live with the consequences." He shrugs as he pulls me close and I agree completely with him.

"You're right. I don't need to worry myself over my sister and her choices. What we do need to worry about is whether or not you'll be able to graduate this year or not.. Especially with all those missed days." I say teasing him with a false serious look before he just rolls his eyes dramatically at me before suddenly launching his fingers into my side.

"No! Wha--what are you doooing?!" I barely get out around my laughter as I attempt to escape his iron grip. He tickles me a little longer before I can worm my way out of his arms, attempting to run away while our laughter fills the space around us. I'm obviously no match for him and he catches up quickly wrapping my in his arms, laughing at my attempt of escape. As we both slowly calm down, he peppers kisses along my face making sure he kisses each available spot before finally landing on my lips in a sweet showcase of emotion.

"I love you." He whispers against my lips making me smile widely, noticing the shiver crawl down my back in the same moment.

"And I love you." Planting another kiss on his lips, he pulls away with a breathtaking smile when suddenly his amber eyes light up.

"Let's go away. Just you and me for the weekend." I feel my eyebrows shoot upwards, not having expected to hear anything like this from him.

"Where would we go?"

"That's the beauty of it. We can go anywhere. Any place you want to go." His smile widens and his excitement is infectious and I begin brainstorming places that would work for him, but I quickly realize I don't really know where I wanna go.

"What about a surprise?" His grin widens more..if that's even possible and he plants a chaste kiss to my lips.

"Perfect. Let's get you home to pack and tell Charlie."

His exhilaration causes him to move quickly and I laugh watching him double back, forgetting that I don't move as quickly. I squeak in surprise as he suddenly lifts me and begins running the distance back to my house making it seem as though I just lived around the corner. Still unaware of his plan, he sets me down and I wait for him to explain what is going through his brain, but he simply winks and leads me into the house by our hands.

"Hey Dad!" I yell into the house, seeing the yellow light flooding out of the kitchen and we head that way.

"Hey kiddos. How's it goin'?" He smiles, turning around from grabbing a beer in the fridge.

"Pretty good Dad, how's your night been?"

"Oh ya know, same old, same old." He mumbles popping the top of his drink before taking a sip and we join him in the living room.

"We did have a question though." He lifts a thick brow looking at us suspiciously.

"I was wondering if it would be alright Charlie, if I take Sophia on a small weekend trip with my family? It would only be a couple of days—"

"And I'll update you with a text if you want?" I jump in, getting more excited about this and hoping my younger sister hasn't ruined my chances of being able to travel with Jasper.. He sighs, rubbing his hands on his face before smiling slightly.

"I guess I can't punish you for the irresponsibility of your sister. As long as you guys aren't gone for too long, and are responsible then I guess it's fine." My smile widens and I embrace my father in a tight hug making him grunt.

"Thank you Daddy! I really appreciate it, and promise to be back in just a couple of days."

He simply pats my back a couple times before kissing the top of my head before I run up the stairs to pack a bag as Jasper stays to talk with Charlie. Grabbing a variety of different clothes, including one of my fancier dresses encase we go to a nice meal or something–I always want to be prepared! Throwing in a couple pairs of shoes and my make up/toiletry bag I make sure I have everything and head downstairs. I see Jasper and my dad shaking each other's hands and Jasper meets me by the stairs with a smile.

"Ready to go?"

"Yes, let's." I smile widely as he grabs my bag from me and we head to the car after I say goodbye to my dad, and getting into my car, Jasper places a hand on my knee and we drive back to his place.

"So where are we going?" I ask out of curiosity hoping to get something out of him.

"That is a surprise darlin'. Something I've had up my sleeve for a while."

He simply winks with a wide grin and butterflies flutter inside my chest at the unknown and whatever it is he has planned. We head up to his room so he can quickly pack a bag and in mere seconds he's finished, giving me another kiss before taking my hand and leading me down the stairs. We say goodbye to his family before getting back into the car, bags placed in the back, and head towards Jasper's surprise.

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