The Meeting Of Souls

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Jasper yells as he runs into the house, trying to find his long time friend. The one who, told him years ago that he would meet his soul mate again. This must've been what she saw.

The vampire is more shaken up than he'd rather admit. Seeing her face awakened something in him that he's hasn't felt since he was human, and that scares him. He's no longer human...and she is.

But this can't be his Scarlette. It's impossible.

"Jasper?" Alice calls, waving her hand in front of his face.

"Alice. What you told me, seventy years ago... What did you see?" He asks collapsing onto the couch and she slightly worries for her longtime friend.

"It was today, wasn't it? You've found her again." Alice replies in shock.

"I don't understand. She's been dead for over a hundred years... It can't be her, but it was..." He trails off trying to wrap his mind around the possibility of something like this happening.

"She didn't respond to her name. It's not Scarlette, but it looks uncannily like her..." He mumbles, trying to find some sort of answer.

"When I went to meet you in that diner in Philadelphia, I had seen you meet this girl, and I watched your future together unfold. You know that I can't see the decision that creates the future, but I did catch a glimpse of you looking in a book about doppelgängers, and I took a guess." Jasper looks at her confused, all of this new to him, never fully knowing what it was she saw that day.

"You were supposed to come to Forks for the two of you to meet, but I wasn't sure how to convince you to follow me. So I guessed that this girl was someone you loved while being human. It just so happened that doppelgängers are real, and that she was your love, from her past life."

Alice waits for Jasper to respond watching as his mind reels at all of this new information. He suddenly jumps up from his seat, pacing around the living room.

"I'm guessing you don't know anything about this doppelgänger thing?" He asks, not looking at Alice, and she wonders if she said too much.

"No, but Carlisle might have some books—" She's cut off as a breeze signifies Jasper's departure.

Doppelgänger: a form of reincarnation of a person, but more often than not, won't retain anything from the past life, except for the looks of their predecessor.

"So she won't remember me." Jasper mumbles, running a handle through his frazzled curls, as he stares at the definition in a book he found in Carlisle's study.

"I don't know if this is worse than believing she's actually dead." He scoffs, closing his eyes in frustration.

As he mulls over this new information, he can't help the insatiable need to go find her. To get to know this girl that holds his soul mate's face. There's obviously a reason why fate has brought her back to him, old memories or not, and he makes the decision to find this girl again.


When I get home, Charlie tells me that Bella went upstairs to rest after the insane day she had. Whatever...least time I have to deal with her... So deciding to have a bit of relaxation from the thoughts jumbling around, I sit with Charlie watching some football, and spending some well missed time together.

"Dad, do you think what Bella said about Edward rushing over to save her is true?" I question, not being able to get the correlation of speed in both cases out of her head.

"I think your sister experienced a lot of trauma today. He could've been closer to her than she realized." Charlie shrugs, and I nod dropping it, knowing he doesn't really want to talk about it, in the back of my mind I can't help but feel there's something interesting going on.

Waking up the next morning, I get a call from Carlisle letting me know that I don't need to come in. "Take some time with your family" he said, but if I'm being honest, it was a nice sentiment, but I don't want to stay in the house with a moping Bella, or answer the phone again from a mother only wanting to talk with one daughter. It's getting old very fast, not to mention the lack of worry my mother has for me, used to anger me... but I've learned to ignore it, and her.

Instead of sitting around, I gather my camera and hiking gear and decide to take a stroll through the lush green forests that surround my house. Writing a note for Charlie in case I'm gone longer than I expect, like the last time, I makes my way out the back door and begin my walk.

I love being outside, and most people find me crazy since it's raining 95 percent of the time, but I don't mind it. It helps to calm my mind, to really be able to think clearly without the craziness of my life. Stopping  before the forest gets too dense, I capture a picture of the sunlight filtering in through the trees and am once again captivated by the beauty in nature. Deciding to review the picture later, I keep walking, making sure to take in and enjoy every little detail.

I snap another photo, this one of the path that lies ahead and while looking at it on the tiny little screen, I begin walking again, only to bump straight into a firm object that I at first believe to be a tree before I feel hands grab my elbows and I nearly drop my camera.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I quickly apologize, looking up and stopping in shock when I recognize the handsome man from the hospital yesterday.

"It's alright ma'am, neither was I." He smiles crookedly, releasing his steadying grasp, now that she won't fall and my body remembers the feeling of his hands on my arms. 

"Hey, you're the guy that ran into Dr. Cullen's office yesterday, right?" I say with a slight laugh, watching as his eyes drop in embarrassment before he chuckles slightly, and I realize how silly that sounded. 

"Yeah, sorry about that, by the way. We had a family issue going on..." He trails off, and I wonder if he's remembering how he called me by a different name, but I won't bring it up since it would be embarressing for the both of us.

"Oh, so you're one of Dr. Cullen's sons? He always talks about you all, he just doesn't have many pictures."

And now it's my turn to trail off, mentally kicking myself as I sound like some stalker, and I look to my camera to try and ease the awkwardness, I don't realize though that I miss a look of longing and restraint on Jasper's face, something that will surely affect things later.

"That's me. I'm Jasper, it's a pleasure to officially meet you." He holds a timid hand out to her, and I smile up at him, going to shake his hand politely, but instead he brings my hand to his lips kissing it softly, causing me to turn a deep shade of pink.

"Sophia Swan, and the pleasure's all mine."

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