Supposed to be My Happy Ending

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We make our way back into our own cabin, and the silence is surprisingly welcome not realizing how loud it had been around everyone else. Peace fills my body as I look at the familiar setting, noticing some additions that make the atmosphere more romantic and I smile. The feeling of arms wrapping around my waist reminds me I'm not alone and I turn to smile at my husband–loving the fact that I finally get to call him that. He simply smiles down at me before capturing my lips with his, and I'm so excited to spend the rest of our time like this.

"I love you Mrs. Whitlock."

"As I love you."

We rest in this moment before I begin to feel an anxiety begin to creep in my stomach and at first I'm confused as to why I'm feeling this way, but then I remember what tends to happen on wedding nights and suddenly this feeling makes sense. Unfortunately I forget that he is highly in tune with emotions and he seems to pick up on the sudden change, shifting us so he can look into my eyes.

"Everything okay Love?" I smile lightly around the gnawing in my stomach. 

"Yeah... I just.. hadn't really thought this through... I guess." I admit in embarrassment, not being able to look him in the face as my face heats up. He chuckles slightly, also with an embarrassed tone, but runs his hands down my arms.

"I did. Believe me. But I am perfectly fine with whatever you are comfortable with. I know this is new territory for both of us."

I smile at his words, understanding now why he chuckled slightly and incredibly thankful that he's understanding. It's not so much the fact that being intimate with Jasper worries me or whatever, even if he is a vampire, there's just so much hype around it, I don't want to make a mistake or anything like that. Which I know sounds silly, but it's an honest worry for me. I don't think Jasper would do anything to hurt me, and so much of this last year has proven his restraint—towards me at least.

He gently moves his hands back towards my neck, finding their place in a comforting embrace as he pulls me to him. Kissing me gently, my worries are washed away, replaced with love and a desire that works it's way up from my toes and settles in my stomach. Placing my hands on either side of his face I convey these emotions while kissing him back, and I know whatever happens next will be bliss.

I feel a breeze blow through as we are suddenly moved from the living room into our bedroom and I smile at the ease everything moves with. The rest becomes comfortable; no stumbling fingers or limbs, no nervous hesitations, or awkward moments, and with it comes a serenity I've not known yet I feel will be a constant in our life together.


The honeymoon is perfect to say the least. The days are filled with exploration, excitement, and plenty new experiences. While the nights are long and filled with passion and love like I've never known it to be.

Over the last week, we've explored many of the hiking trails in the forest around our home, and today it'll be nice enough to spend the day on the lake, something I've been looking forward to since I've seen this beautiful place. As I pull a shirt over my swimsuit Jasper meets me in the room with a smile, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a kiss. I giggle at just how carefree Jasper has been since we've been here, and I'm loving the effect this place is having on the both of us, making me not ever want to return to our old lives.

"Is it possible to just stay here forever?" I mutter against his lips with a smile to which he chuckles slightly.

"We can come back as often as you want Love, but I feel your Dad would try and hunt us down if he didn't get to see you often."

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