The Unhappiest of Birthdays

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It's the day of Bella's birthday, and knowing that she doesn't like gifts, I'll simply wait until she's at school to leave my gift in her room, since Dad insists on waking her up with the gifts from him and Mom. I can hear her groan slightly as I pass her bedroom door and I can't help but roll my eyes at her dramatics.. It's a birthday, not the end of the world... I decide to enjoy my coffee in silence before I hear a knock coming from the front door signaling that Alice and Jasper are here to pick Bella up, making me smile.

"Good morning." I open the door with a smile, and Jasper quickly pulls me into a sweet kiss.

"Good morning, beautiful." He smiles and my cheeks flush at cuteness, and this makes Alice giggle as she moves past us into the house, and we move to follow her.

"Alice, I hear you're planning an unauthorized party?" I question with a smirk, to which she looks at me innocently.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about Sophie. I'm simply planning a birthday party for a good friend." She smiles, her tinkling voice echoing in the living room.

"She's not going to like it. She hates anything to do with her birthday, I'm going to guess she hates it even more now... She's overdramatic." I shake my head with an eye roll, at Alice's fantastic idea... and they both just roll their eyes in response, Alice still deciding to carry on with her plan.

"She's just going to have to deal with it. When are you coming over?" I snort at her finality, before debating shortly if I want to spend some quality time with Esme while everyone else is at school.

"Oh, I might come over while you all suffer through classes. Spend some time with Esme." I grin mischievously as Jasper sends me a playful glare, and Alice just grins widely.

"You know, you could always come to school with all of us. Spend some time..." Jasper trails off as he pulls me closer to him.

"Morning Alice, Jasper." Bella greets as she grabs her school things, smiling shortly at all of us before indicating with her eyebrows that she wants to leave, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"I graduated last December. There's no reason for me to painfully sit through high school classes again." I smirk at him, carrying on our conversation from earlier, as he raises a sass filled brow.

"Was that a dig?"

"Maybe." I smirk, holding in my laugh. "Now, quickly. You don't wanna miss any part of your senior year." He laughs sarcastically, pulling me into a kiss before meeting Alice and Bella at the car, and she waves quickly before leaving.

After they leave, I grab my separate outfit for the party tonight, and Bella's gift and pack it into my car and head to the Cullen's. Thinking of everything that has happened in the last couple months, the drive goes quickly and I'm excited to spend some time with Esme and not think about everything that happened with my sister in Phoenix. The drive was relaxing and it was like second nature in getting to the remote home of my favorite vampires. As I walk up the drive, I'm met at the door by a smiling Esme and this makes me smile and breathe a laugh.

"Alice said you might visit us this morning."

"Of course she did." I laugh as Esme welcomes me inside, and head to the living room where I see a steaming cup of coffee waiting for me, and my heart warms at the gesture.

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