The Wolves Descend

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A few days later, Jacob shows back up to the house with a warning that chills my blood.

"Get ready. They're coming for her." He stoically says to Edward one evening, and I feel my body freeze from within.

"They won't touch her." The one thing those boys can actually agree on.

"Sam has lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered. He's got the place surrounded and will wait for the most opportune moment."

Carlisle is quick to deny a fight in order to honor the treaty, although it sounds like Sam sees it as void and therefore won't hesitate to fight us. Jake, Seth and Leah seem to be the ones who split from Sam's pack and will defend the house, but I can't help but blame Bella for causing a split in what seemed like a family...over her choices to try and see such a dangerous pregnancy to fruition.

"Would you be willing to stay up here whenever Sam and the others make their presence known?" Jasper asks while we sit in bed later, and I appreciate him not just telling me what will happen.

"If that's what you would like me to do. I'd rather be down there to support my family, but I also know I am now more of a liability/distraction..." I sigh, because I want to be there, just in case...but I know I have to start putting myself and my child first. And if the wolves already believe Bella's baby to be "unnatural"...I doubt they would understand mine.

"I would feel better, and be more able to focus on protecting our family if I knew you both were out of harms way." He places a soft kiss on my forehead, and I know he's we enjoy a quiet moment in our own space, and I hope our family is safe–and for their sake, Bella is alright.


Carlisle is running more tests on Bella after more bruising occurred and it seemed like maybe a few ribs were broken while the baby shifted.. Her health has visibly declined in just a few days, nobody is truly hopeful for a positive outcome, and I've tried to press the issue of at least a phone call to Charlie.

"He deserves that much." I say angrily at a frail Bella, who somehow manages to sink into herself more.

"It's all need-to-know—"

"That's the most bullshit answer you could've come up with." I feel Edward move slightly to intercept, but a glare from me freezes him in his tracks.

"He is our father. The well-being of his daughters IS his need-to-know. You don't have to tell him about what is actually going on with you. But he should at least know you aren't dead." With that I leave her to her thoughts, and storm upstairs.

Jake has been a consistent presence in the house, and I feel bad for the poor boy although he did contribute an idea to get nutrients into Bella's system...that mixed with the morning sickness I've been experiencing...was a disgusting morning. It somehow made her stronger and she finally got that call out to my father, so that was decent, although he's more worried because of her shit excuse.

I'm currently laying on our bed upstairs, sucking on a ginger candy waiting for an especially long wave of nausea to pass when there's a small knock on the door. I look up to find a smiling Alice, who seems a little drawn from the events within the household.

"Would you like some company?" She asks lightly making me smile and nod. She climbs up next to me, laying on her back just staring up at the ceiling.

"The house is so full of tension..I feel it in my bones..I can only imagine how you and Jasper are handling it."

She finally looks at me, and I see the tiredness, despair and emptiness that isn't common in Alice it's almost a terrifying sight. My heart breaks because I know she cares for my sister, and so continually trying to check the future and all the facets it could take..must be exhausting and she's probably beginning to second guess things.

"He doesn't let on, knowing I've been dealing with sickness, he's being as helpful as he can, but I know it's weighing on him. I can feel the fringes of it sitting on my chest, so I know he's drowning." I tell her honestly, worried for my husband's wellbeing–mentally..especially with me being in a similar condition..

"Jazz is good at compartmentalizing and I know how hard it is to get anything out of him, so the fact he's at least said a little to you is encouraging." She sighs. "I just don't know what to do anymore. I've done all I feel that I am able and I still feel like Edward expects me to do more. Or convince one of us to tell Bella any different." She vents throwing her hands up in frustration and I really feel bad for her.

"I'm sorry shouldn't be all stacked on you. I know Jasper and I tried to look, especially after I became pregnant, but it's all so unknown—"

"I know, but he seems to think I'm a miracle worker and can find these things. I sent some correspondence to people I know around the world, but I'm still waiting to hear from them..."

She sighs again and I simply just reach down and grab her cool hand in mine. The door creaks slightly as it opens, Jasper peaking his head in.

"Alice, they're wanting a few of us to go hunting before everything happens. Jacob is going to talk and distract the wolves."

He quickly comes and kisses my forehead and Alice squeezes my hand before they are both out of sight for the rest of the night. I lay there for a while longer before dimming the lights and getting some sleep before the impeding drama.

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