The Risk of Exposure

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"So, you work with my father?" Jasper asks as we wonder around the forest, we figured that if we're both going to be out here, might as well walk together and get to know one another.

"Yes, I don't know if you know about the project?" Jasper shakes his head and plays dumb, captured by the sound of her voice, one he hasn't heard for many years.

"Well, I'm learning how to do specific, life saving surgeries on premature babies in case there comes a time where your father won't be there, at least someone will know what to do."

I smile at him, and he nods, seeming to kind of understand the medical side of it, and I see acknowledgement in his eyes like he knows specifically the reasons why his father would miss work.

"Sounds fascinating. I know the job isn't easy, so props to you for being able to do both."

He nods and smiles that crooked smile, causing me to look away so he wouldn't catch the redness returning to my cheeks, which he ended up seeing anyways, I'm guessing as his smile widens.

"What made you want to go into the medical field?" He questions curiously knowing Scarlette always wanted to help those that needed it the most, and he was curious to see just how similar the two women from different times were. 

"It's just been something I've always wanted to do. It was almost like I was drawn to it. I love being able to help those that can't help themselves, it makes me feel like I've made a difference in the world, you know?"

Jasper doesn't respond to my question, as he just stares at me which makes me nervous, thinking I was too weird about it, and begin to run a hand up and down my arm, and so I miss another look of forlorn love and I'm unaware that I've drawn many similarities within his mind with virtually the same woman he fell in love with all those years ago. 

"Sorry, too cheesy?" I falter with a small laugh, hoping I haven't blown whatever this might turn into.

"No, no! Not at all! I just..someone I once knew said the exact same thing about working for the hospital." He covers, he was shocked to hear Scarlette's same words come from Sophia's lips, and was suddenly overwhelmed with so many emotions.

"Oh. Yeah I feel like it's a good place to be if you want to help others." I smile in relief, thanking the stars above for not being to awkward.

We then drift into a comfortable silence, and I just enjoy the quiet sounds of the forest in the presences of this handsome stranger, and it seems he enjoys it as well, until he breaks it with the question I didn't even think to ask. 

"So, how come I haven't seen you at school?"

"I was able to graduate early, in December. So that's why you haven't been able to see me eat lunch in the Caf." I grin as he nods, laughing a bit at my silly remark.

"So, not only are you skilled enough to work with my father, but you really know what you're doing." He comments with that crooked smile, and damned my skin that decides to turn more red at the sight, and the stupid giggle that somehow escapes my lips embarrassing me further.

"Oh's getting late and my father will worry." I sigh as I habitually check my watch, not necessarily wanting to leave, but knowing how my father will be if I'm gone for too long, especially with these animal attacks going on..

"I'm sorry to have to leave so quickly. Maybe we can meet up later this week sometime?" I offer, packing away my camera from where it was hanging around my neck as I await Jasper's answer.

"This week works for me." He responds, a large grin gracing his features.


Jasper bids Sophia farewell and decides to take his time walking back home through the dense forest, replying the encounter. He still can't believe she's a doppelgänger of his beloved Scarlette, even their personalities are shockingly similar, and this arises the question in his mind, is he attracted to the girl as Sophia, or is it because she looks like his Scarlette...?

He comes to the realization that he's going to have to spend some more time with her, to sort out all the feelings and also he won't deny that he's starting to enjoy the feeling she has returned to his chest. His thoughts are interrupted though when he opens the front door, and is bombarded by his adoptive brother.  

"You were alone with her? Jasper, that's reckless. Not only for her, but for you too. What if you had lost control?"

Edward had met Jasper at the door, obviously having picked up on his thoughts of Sophia, and it seems he isn't too happy, but Jasper believes he has no place to be upset, seeing as Edward himself hasn't been making the smartest decisions around Bella.

"Edward, it was fine—" Jasper rolling his eyes, he understands the concern, but he had it handled, surprisingly.

"What if it wasn't? Something could've happened—"

"But it didn't."

Jasper says forcefully. Edward's one to talk, he has a hard enough time not exposing all of them to Bella, and he seems too eager lately to let her in on their secret, at least Jasper is attempting to contain himself.

"What happens next time? When you aren't as disciplined? When you haven't fed recently? You could risk exposing us—"

"And you can risk exposing all of us to this Bella girl!"

Edward is taken aback, not expecting Jasper to react the way he did, and become so upset. He's never really seen Jasper get angry, let alone raise his voice, he tries to stay calm because of his past.

"She's my singer—"

"And she's my soulmate! You've been in my head. You know who she is."

Without letting Edward get another word in, Jasper heads up to his room hoping to get some solitude, and to sort through the thoughts swirling in his mind.

*Hello! I hope you all like it! I feel like Jasper is slightly out of character, but I am a bit rusty on Twilight. I will try and reference my books/movies to help things go a bit more smoothly. :) lemme know what you all think! Thanks for reading and voting! :)

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