In The Hands of The Devil

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I finally make my way to Sophia's house, excited to finally see her and get an explanation from Alice when suddenly my phone rings. Seeing Alice's name, I quickly answer it, hoping she hasn't seen anything too terrible since both of us have left our family behind.

"Jazz. Bella and I are headed to Italy. Edward had the brilliant idea to involve the Volturi in his suffering, so we're going there." I can hear the irritation in her voice even if she's trying to soften it around Bella.

"Is that really the best idea?"

"He'll hear me coming, so it has to be Bella. We'll be fine, and be home soon."

And with that, the conversation is over and I make my way to where Sophia's window is and make my way up and in. The first thing I notice is that her room is brightly lit, but my mate is nowhere to be found.

That's when the scent hits me.

I freeze as my nose is assaulted with a different scent that at first isn't familiar, and as I become more on edge about not finding Sophia, my brain slowly recognizes the scent from the baseball field so many months ago.

It's Victoria. But why would she be here? Why Sophia's room? My senses kick into gear when I smell Sophie in the room too and wonder what has happened, and if I'm too late...

I quickly exit the house, attempting to follow the scent that is still kind of fresh on the grounds when a sudden shrill ring breaks me from my focus, causing me to hastily pull the obnoxious thing from my pocket.


"Jasper, I'm so sorry. I wasn't even paying attention. Sophia she—"

"Is gone, yeah I noticed."

I grunt out increasingly upset that my mate got set on the back burner in order to focus on Bella and my selfish brother. "It's Victoria. Any idea where they could've gone? I'm losing the scent.." I admit honestly, my frustration clear in my voice.

"I'm getting pieces of Port Angeles and Seattle. She's changing her mind too quickly I can't tell exactly where they might end up."

"I just needed to know a direction. Thanks Alice."

I hang up roughly, my mind going back to Sophia and hoping she's safe while being in the viscidity of that psycho. I don't understand why she went after Sophia in the first place. If anything I would've expected her to go after Bella as payback for Edward killing James. We had nothing to do with everything that happened in Arizona... Getting into the car, I quickly make my way out of town and head north, hoping I can find Sophia before any harm can come to her.


A sudden dull pain meets the side of my head waking me from whatever stupor I was in. Cringing at the feeling, I remember I was jumped by a crazy vampire and after a quick survey of my surroundings, I realize I'm in a car, the outside blurring by the windows much too fast to be safe, and my wrists are bound uncomfortably tight. Taking care not to move too quickly and cause anymore issue with my head, I notice the red-headed vampire driving the car, and no one else in sight.

I take a quick inventory of my injuries to realize my head is sore from her knocking me out and hitting the window just a couple seconds ago, my hands bound tightly in zip-ties, rubbing roughly against my wrists no doubt making the skin raw, and from what I can tell, my cell phone is missing from my pocket. The pain spreads across my forehead as Victoria looks into the rearview mirror smirking as she notices me awake.

"Ah, finally awake are we? Glad you could join me in this little road trip." I wince at the harsh sound of her words making the pain increase in my head, but it doesn't stop me from glaring at her.

"Didn't seem like I had a choice." I grit out, attempting to sit more upright in the car only to become more nauseated at the movement.

What have I gotten myself into...

"You're right. But it's always nice to have someone to travel with."

"Will you cut the crap? What do you want with me?"

Her innocent, trying to be friendly crap is annoying the hell out of me, and I just want to know why I was the one grabbed by a psychotic vampire. She smirks at me through the mirror as she continues to fly down the highway at an alarming speed, causing my anxiety to continue to spike.

"Hmm, I guess it was only a matter of time before you started asking questions. If you must know, I was bored. And I don't quite have everything in line, to visit your sister or Edward. So I thought why not have a bit of fun." The smirk turns into a sinister smile, and my blood runs cold as irritation flares in my subconscious, that this is all just for fun... and once again has to deal with Bella and her boyfriend..

"Why me? I had nothing to do with everything that happened last spring. My sister and I hardly get along as is. So really you wasted a trip." I simply shrug at the truth in my words, smirking inwardly as I notice her become slightly irritated.

"We'll see about that. I have a couple of friends I'd like you to meet."

With that she doesn't try to talk to me or answer any of my questions, she just keeps driving making me wonder just how far out from Forks we really are.. I wonder if Jasper is at my house right now, wondering why I might've went when he knew I was expecting him at any time after his phone call. I wonder if Alice has been able to see anything from Victoria and where we might be heading.

All I know is that I have a sinking feeling, and I know that can't be any good...

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