How Is This Possible?

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**Holy crap guys, I can't believe this! This story is ranked #7 in Jasper Whitlock stories! You guys are amazing and I am so blown away by how much love this story is getting! :) So thank you all!

Waking up the next morning, relishing the feeling of Jasper's arms around me I don't want to move from this place. Snuggling deeper into his side, I feel him chuckle lightly, running his hand through my hair, and it makes me smile, just glad to have him back.

"You know, we can't stay in bed all day right? Emmett will never let us live it down." He chuckles as I groan out loud, knowing he's right.

"I hate that you're right..." I mumble into the sheets, still not making any move to get up.

"C'mon darlin', let's go downstairs." I groan again, forcing myself to sit up lazily, my tangled mess of hair falling into my face and I humph in dissatisfaction. Pulling my hair messily into a bun, I look towards Jasper who is smiling over at me and I shake my head with a glare.

"It is much too early for this. But heaven forbid we give Emmett any more reason to unnecessarily think too far into things."He chuckles again, placing a kiss to my temple in attempts to make me feel better. I smile at his attempts and shake my head, and he captures my lips this time with his, making me smile into it.

Dragging myself from the warmness of the bed, I quickly stretch and grabbing one of Jasper's jumpers and placing it over my pajamas I grasp Jasper's outstretched hand and we head downstairs. We make our way downstairs and the smell of coffee suddenly fills my senses, causing to give me a little pep in my step, making Jasper chuckle again.

"I just love Esme." I breath out, with a smile excited for the prospect of coffee.

"Your love for coffee amazes me sometimes." Jasper laughs, as he just doesn't understand. Coffee wasn't a big thing when he was human, when we first knew each other, but now with high school and a job, coffee was a necessity.

"It's something I've come to love and need in this life time." I laugh slightly, as Jasper gets a thinking look on his face and it makes me curious, but I'm quickly distracted by the stronger smell of coffee.

Thanking Esme as I grab the steaming cup of gold, I sit beside Jasper on the couch and he instinctually wraps an arm around me. Enjoying the taste and caffeine from my drink, and the closeness of my boyfriend, we enjoy the silence before Esme comes around the corner.

"Do you guys have anything planned for today?" I look to Jasper with a curious look, not really sure we were going to do anything, and the thinking look returns.

"Is Carlisle going to be home today? I think we've got some things to talk about him with." I raise an eyebrow in question, but remember all the weird things that have happened lately, and Carlisle would know more than us.

"Is everything alright?" Esme asks in concern as she sits on the chair next to us, her amber eyes alight with questions.

"Everything seems to be fine, I've just been experiencing some weird things and am hoping Carlisle will have some answers." I shrug with a small smile, hoping to show Esme that things really are fine.

"Strange things like what?" Her voice still filled with concern, her amount of concern making me feel like these things are just silly worries that she shouldn't have to worry about.

At a loss of how to explain this without sounding completely mad, I shrug before getting out of explaining as Carlisle makes his way through the back door, smiling to all of us and greeting Esme with a tender kiss on her head. I take another sip of my quickly chilling coffee, feeling Jasper pull me closer before gaining the attention of his adopted father.

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