Meeting The Cullen's

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**Hello all! Thank you for sticking with me! Hope you enjoy! :)

"Meet your family? R-right now?" I stutter out, not really expecting him to suggest that.

"I know it's sudden, but Carlisle and Alice will know why you're getting flashes of the future. They can help." I suddenly feel a calming wave roll over me, and seeing the truth in Jasper's eyes I know it'll be fine.

"Okay." I nod before realization kicks me in the gut. "I need to go home and change then!" Jasper chuckles, grabbing my frantic hand, and I pause slightly when the calming sensation returns.

"Sophia. You look great. You don't need to change for my family." I smile at his sweet words, hoping to hide the redness of my cheeks, at his compliment.

Jasper leads me back across the parking lot, to a lone motorcycle and he turns to me, his infamous crooked smile present.

"Have you ever rode a motorcycle?" It's beautiful, and I admire from our spot, catching the name Ducati, and my eyes widen.

"My father, being chief of police, doesn't think they're safe. So no, I can't say I have." I feel myself light up in excitement, making Jasper seem less nervous as he pulls out a helmet, getting on the bike.

"Well, there's a first time for everything darlin'." He smirks widely at my expense, his accent becoming heavier.

"No helmet for you?" I ask still holding the hunk of plastic in my hands, realizing just how close we're going to be during this ride.

"I don't need one, my head's like steel." He says with a smirk, tapping his head, making me laugh as I strap the hunky thing on and climb on behind him.

"So you're hard headed then? Good to know." A smile evident in my voice causing Jasper to laugh out loud, and I can't help but love the sound of it.

"Only when I need to be." He looks at me over his shoulder, the smirk evident. "I'd hold on tight if I were you."

I quickly wrap my arms around his waist, the muscles under his sweater not going past my notice, and a gasp escapes my lips as the bike roars to life.

The forest quickly flashes by in blurs of brown and green, and I marvel in it before I have to tuck my face into Jasper's back, the speed making me slightly motion-sick. Being this close I can feel his chest rumble with laughter and causing me to smack his chest before smiling myself.

Getting to his house was faster than I expected and my nerves suddenly return as I peek around Jasper's broad shoulder, looking at the beautiful house. Jasper offers me a hand as we get off the bike, and I'm once again encapsulated in a feeling of calm, thankful for whatever is causing it.

"Don't worry. Everything will be alright." He smiles, and I can tell he's fighting something internally as we make our way into the house.

"They're here!" I hear a tinkling voice from inside the house making me laugh as Jasper just shakes his head.

"That would be Alice. She's just a bit excited to meet you." He opens the door for me, following behind me.

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