Impending Chaos

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The vehicle finally stops and my senses kick into overdrive trying to recognize where she's brought me and if there's any way I could make an escape. Victoria roughly pulls me from the car, and luckily my feet have no problem keeping me upright as I'm dragged through the rain towards a rundown warehouse.

"Why have you brought me here?" She doesn't answer, but I can feel the smirk radiating from her.

We travel a bit farther through the semidarkness and I'm thankful for my exceptional eyesight, otherwise I'd be fumbling around, a bit like my sister... We finally make it to a dimly lit room and I'm shocked at what I see. Scattered around the room are what seem to be more vampires, but I've not seen any move like this before. They frenzy from spot to spot, some shoving each other, others fighting over what looks like...oh god...

They're fighting over bodies, over human bodies that lay motionless through all this commotion. I attempt to keep myself calm, but my heart still aches for the families who will never see their loved ones again, and a small part of me begins to fear for my own life. Dragging me by the upper arm, she leads me through the frenzy and I flinch as a couple vampires hiss out of hunger  in my direction watching me closely.

"We have a visitor."

She smirks roughly tossing my arm forward towards a blonde man who turned at the sound of her voice. He catches me easily, his look of confusion turning quickly to become more devious as he looks me over, causing me to freeze as his nose trails along my jaw. Victoria watches as he circles me a few times, and I keep my face blank, not wanting to show them how unnerving this is.

"What's she doing here? I thought we were waiting on more recruits?" Recruits? For what?  My focus is split between the two not knowing exactly why I'm here, and I really hope I make it home from whatever this is.

"No, she's not a recruit. I was bored, so I thought I'd stir up a little bit of tension, a little bit of unknown. A little bit of fun." She finishes with an evil grin and his quickly matches as he's in front of my face in a millisecond.

"A plaything always seemed fascinating to me." My reaction is too quick to hide and he laughs at my look of disgust.

"Don't like that term? Well, it's sort of what you humans are when around us. Or, your food. Either one really. I never saw it until Victoria expanded my sight. You get used to it." He smirks darkly making my skin crawl and I no longer try to hide my dislike of him.

"Now Riley, we have to be patient. I just wanted to show her what you were working on, and what they can expect in a couple of months."

She grins in my direction, and I'm confused before looking around again and remembering all the vampires within the area. I feel my brow crease in realization...they plan to bring these crazed vampires to Forks...this is her revenge plan.

"Why? Why bring all these vampires to Forks?" I ask, trying to get more information out of her and get a better understand of what her plan is.

"Because deary. Those vampires of yours, took everything from me. And I will take everything from them."

The venom and hate in her voice at the end of her phrase chills my blood. I'm suddenly genuinely worried for Bella and Edward and the rest of the Cullen's because no doubt they'd be dragged into this too. She again grabs hold of my bound hands and walks me through the area, giving me full view of just how many vampires are in this compound, Riley smiling from her side. My anxiety increases around every turn and as I begin to realize they've made this plan to completely decimate the Cullen's...

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