New Opportunities

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The first week of my normal rotations went quickly, and it was already time for me to start the project with Dr. Cullen. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I mean, the thought of working with the surgeon, it was something I never did study, I feel like I'm going in totally blind.

"Good morning Dr. Grace." I greet as I finally makes it to the nurses station Monday morning.

"Good morning Sophia. I believe, you can head to the Doctor's office whenever you're ready. He's expecting you." She says with a sweet smile, sharing her excitement for me as I grin widely.

"Okay. Thank you again, Grace. I truly appreciate this opportunity." I state adamantly before heading to the surgical floor, to find Dr. Cullen's office.

Walking down the barren halls of the hospital, I begin to get a little nervous, not fully knowing what to expect, and not wanting to mess up such a wonderful learning opportunity. When I finally arrive to his office, taking a deep breath to calm my racing heart, I knock on the door as confidently as possible.

"Come in."

Opening the door, I walk into a surprisingly homey office which makes me immediately feel welcome. I find Dr. Carlisle Cullen rearranging some books on the shelf, and he stops to send me a warm smile.

"Hello, you must be Sophia." He says with a kind smile, offering a hand for me to shake.

"Hi, that's me." I reply as I shake his hand, and with a direction of his hand, he offers me the comfy looking seat in his office.

"Thank you again, this is a wonderful opportunity."

"Of course. Grace was very enthusiastic to have you be a part of this."

He smiles genuinely at me, and I realize this isn't going to be as nerve-wracking as I had originally thought. I sit down and he pulls out a folder and some paperwork, explaining that I'm going to have to sign some things in order to be able to perform certain procedures.

"So, the reason I wanted to start this project is because, there are a lot of times throughout the year that I must be gone with my family, and leaving those that need the most help, just isn't something I want to leave up to chance any more."

"Therefore I decided to choose a few people to learn some of the simplest, but best ways to save a premature life. It's going to be difficult, and it'll take some time, so are you willing to put in the effort for this?"

I contemplate on his words, knowing this will be a challenge, but I know this will be a benefit for everyone. And something tells me, in the back of my mind, this is going to lead to great things.

"Of course. All I've ever wanted to do is to help and heal those that, statistics say will never make it. To defy the odds. If you're willing to teach me, I'm ready to learn." I say with conviction causing him to smile at me, which I generously return.

"Well, it seems you'll fit right in with what I'm wanting to do here. Shall we get started?"


Across town at the dreary Forks High School, Bella attempts to fit in and make friends, and like every newcomer, she's drawn in by the allure of the Cullen family. 

"Who are they?" Bella asks looking over her shoulder at the group of five people she's never seen.

"The Cullen's." Angela begins, only to be cut off by Bella's other friend.

"Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down from Alaska two years ago." Bella's heads snaps back to Jessica when she mentions the Doctor, knowing that's her sister's new boss.

"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela shrugs, causing their friend to roll her eyes.

"It's because they're all together. Like together, together.–"

"Except for Jasper and Alice—" Angela attempts to correct their friend, but is quickly cut off.

"Yes, but they're strange so it doesn't make a difference either way. Anyways, the blonde girl, Rosalie, she's with the big, dark-haired guy, Emmett. And I'm not even sure that's legal." Jessica says with a jealous scoff, making the other two roll their eyes.

"Jess, they aren't actually related." Angela deadpans.

"I know, but they live together. The dark-haired girl is Alice. Like I said she's weird..We thought her and Jasper, the blonde one,  were a thing, but he keeps to himself. Doesn't give anyone around here a second glance."

Bella looks back over, seeing the two interact, but in a friendly kind of manner, like actual brother and sister. The whole dynamic is strange, but Bella can't help but think that they act more like a family  then her actual family does...

"Who's he?" She asks as she sees another mysterious figure walk confidently into the cafe .

"That's Edward Cullen." Bella flinches slightly as his head snaps in their direction, looking right at Bella, making her quickly look to her food.

"He's totally gorgeous, and apparently no one here is good enough for him. So I wouldn't waste your time."

Bella pretends to agree with Jess, appeasing the girl, but once her friends are distracted she looks over her shoulder, back at the mysterious boy to find him looking at her already. Slightly shaken, Bella has to wonder what goes on in this little town.

*As bad as it sounds, I don't own the first book so a lot of the script is coming from the movie...Sorry in advance..but as the story progresses I will try and use the books as reference! :) and I wasn't sure how to end this chapter, so sorry if it's kinda dumb lol

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