Trouble in Phoenix

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**I hope you guys are liking the story so far?? Let me know what you think! And if there's anything you wanna see in later chapters!

Jasper and Alice have volunteered to take Bella to Phoenix, knowing the tracker would follow Edward, and he needs to lead him in the opposite direction. Esme and Rose are wonderful enough to protect my father and help lead Bella's scent away from the house, as the boys try and hunt him down.

And me? I'm stuck at home. On strict orders from Alice and Jasper to not leave the house, that the Cullen's have everything under control...and it's killing me. I haven't heard from anyone since they all left, and I just have to conclude that someone will call when something happens.

It's been a day or so and still nothing, and I know they should be in Phoenix by now, knowing how Alice drives, and I cave, sending Jasper a quick text. He quickly replies with a promise to call tonight, confirming that they have made it to the desert, and I feel only a tiny bit better–my gut telling me something is going to happen... I make it back up to Jasper's room with some crisps just in time to hear my phone ringing loudly.

"Hello?" I answer breathlessly and I can hear Jasper chuckle on the other end.

"You can't have missed me that much already?" He laughs and I roll my eyes, not wanting to admit I have missed him.

"No, I was simply downstairs raiding the crisps when I heard the phone ring. I decided not to keep you waiting." I reply with a giggle, hearing him laugh at my antics, making me smile.

"Well thank you for racing upstairs. I don't know how I would've reacted being second to your crisps."  He says sarcastically, but I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh whatever." I roll my eyes before remembering why we're in the predicament. "How is everything?" I ask quietly, almost like I'm afraid the question will blow up in my face.

"Well, we made it here in one piece—"

"Oh please, Jasper. You drive just as fast, but instead on a motorbike. That's much more deadly in my opinion." I giggle as I hear Alice chime in, and I can practically see Jasper's eye roll, making me remember what he told me at coffee.

My head's like steel.

"Sophia enjoys it. Right Soph?" My heart flutters at the nickname, and all I can get out is a hum of agreement, making him chuckle again as I hear him move to a different room.

"Everything's alright Soph, we'll be home once we get the all clear from Edward. You've got nothing to worry about."

"I know, but I do worry because I'm here, and there's been no word on the tracker, or his red headed girlfriend..." I sigh, trying not to overthink everything, but again my gut nags at me.

"Just promise me you'll be safe? All of you?"

"Of course Sophia. I promise, we'll all be alright. Now get some sleep Love, I'll be home before you know it." I grumble as I begin to burrow myself in the sheets that smell like him.

"I hope you're right." He chuckles on the other end, causing me to smile again.

"I—Goodnight." He quickly catches himself from whatever he was going to say.

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