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"The time has come, they'll never expect our numbers. Well done Riley." I overhear coming from the dark, damp hall of the abandoned warehouse--wondering how I got here. Attempting to avoid being seen by whoever was speaking, I try to find a way out hoping they won't be able to hear my anxious heartbeat.

"Leaving so soon?" 

I hear the deep gravelly voice before I see him causing me to shriek in surprise, making his grin widen menacingly. Turning around I try to find my footing on the slick concrete, slipping slightly as I run in any direction than the one he was in. Feeling the rush of wind before I feel myself being yanked to the side, laughter filling the area as I hit the ground.

"Your family will fail. I have the numbers, and her revenge will be final." 

The scenery quickly changes to the forest near the Cullen's, a bird's eye view of a number of crazed vampires heading towards a smaller line of people, looking to easily overpower them--

I gasp awake, finding myself alone in bed my panic raising slightly until I hear the low drawl of Jasper talking somewhere in the house. Taking a deep breath I try to slow my racing heart, throwing my tousled hair into a messy bun, I shakily climb out of the warm sheets and begin to look for my fiancé.

"We can be back soon Alice." I hear him sigh deeply, obviously not wanting to agree to whatever they are talking about. "I understand, but it's a lot more complicated than that. He'll have to start that conversation." The conversation doesn't last long after that and he sighs again hanging up.

"Everything alright?" I ask quietly, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Uh, well.. it seems Victoria's crew is moving to Forks soon and we are needed to help train the wolves on how to fight newborns--especially since I have the most experience with that." He looks apologetic and I nod, folding myself into his lap still digesting everything I saw in my dream. "Are you alright darlin'?"

"I'm...okay. I had a strange dream, about all of this actually, so it isn't much a surprise that we are needed back home."

"What about going home?" He looks at me with a raised brow, and I rub my arms anxiously.

"That, uh they were coming I guess? And it was another weird flash of when I ended up in Seattle." I shrug, still not understanding how I'm seeing these things. He rubs my arms in comfort, and I know he's still trying to comprehend this as well.

"We will get this figured out, I promise. Also, please hear me when I say that we can come back here when this is all finished if that's what you want." He holds my face in place, and my heart swells in response, knowing I want to stay here instead of going back.

"I know your family needs you--"

"You are much more important in this moment, don't ever believe I'll put you to the side for my brother's problems." He kisses me passionately and my need to withdraw melts away, and I know that we wouldn't be going back unless it was absolutely necessary.

Knowing that we need to get going, we get our things packed and with a hopeful look of being able to return soon, I get into the car and we begin the drive back to Forks. As we drive, Jasper puts on some soft music and places a hand on my knee and as I watch the beautiful scenery I begin to think about what life will look like moving forward. Jasper and I want to finally be able to move on with our lives, something we never got to do before. We finally get to have the wedding the war stole from us so many years ago, but now it seems our families are going to overshadow it this time around. I know that Bella didn't purposely want this vampire army to come after her, but it's just been frustrating that everyone needs to drop what's going on in their lives to focus on her...

Although I'm frustrated, there is a part of me that is excited for this new chapter in our lives, and whatever will come next once we figure out what exactly is going on with me and being able to tap into all these different mental abilities including the strange dreams that seem to come true or are validated by Alice and her visions. We are finally closing in on Forks when Jasper grasps my hand and places a sweet kiss on it. 

"We are going to have to head straight to the house, because they are meeting with the wolves tonight. You don't have to be there if you don't want to."

"And miss getting to watch you train the others? I think I'll stay." I wink making him chuckle and shake his head and my upfront-ness, before we pull onto the familiar gravel drive.

We meet everyone in the garage, I cover up a yawn as I pull my sweater closer around me, and naturally we are waiting on Bella to arrive before we can head to the clearing they want to train in. Her and Edward arrive talking to the others, to which I'm not very interested in listening to, and I zone back in once we are ready to leave, curious as to what this will be like. Heading to the clearing, Jasper takes my hand in his and walks by my side in the moonlight and as we get closer I can sense multiple forms in the darkness, and then I can see the large wolves standing in the tree line.

"There is something you must always remember when fighting newborns of our kind. Don't ever let them get their arms around you. They could shatter your bones faster than you could even realize." 

Jasper says finally before calling Emmett forward to begin demonstrating some techniques. They go back and forth for a while, pretty evenly matched and Rose walks over nudging my shoulder with a flirty smirk making me laugh and shake my head. Everyone takes a turn against Jasper and then against each other in hopes they will be able to really put into practice what they've been learning. The wolves stay to the trees, watching with their large eyes no doubt finding ways for their own fighting to work with these techniques. I can't help but think just how in his element Jasper seems in teaching these things and running the training, and it gives me a bit of an insight to what he did when he was in the army. After everyone has had a chance to participate, they decide to finally call it a night and we can each go our own ways. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, Jasper comes to my side with a smile and grabs my hand.

"Time for bed Love?" He chuckles making me sarcastically chuckle back. 

"It's been time for bed, for a while now. But it was definitely worth watching you be in your element." I say with a smirk and he laughs before shaking his head lightly, and we head back to the house and I am quickly asleep in Jasper's bed without much thought of anything else. 

**I am so, so, so sorry it has taken me so long to update this story!! I've been super busy, but it has been very hard to find motivation to write too. I'm hoping to be back because I'm getting towards the end of Eclipse and there's so much I want to develop in this book! Thanks for sticking it out! I hope you love it!

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