Safe At Last

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The house is in a solemn mood as we prepare for this newborn army to approach. Plans have been made for Edward and Bella to hide away from the battle in the mountains, which both Rose and I weren't very happy about, but whatever. She's also taking a wolf with her to help "cover her smell" in hopes to protect her longer, while we make our way through the vamps. I finish getting on some athletic wear and putting my hair in boxer braids when Jasper comes through the door, his tension quickly flooding the room.

"You're not coming with us."

"Jasper, I thought we've been over this." I say turning and giving him a deadpan look which he returns.

"It must've been in your head because I was not a part of this conversation. I have no intention of letting you go out there today without training and leaving you vulnerable to attacks." He comes closer and I see the worry in his eyes, and my resolve begins to fracture.

"Jasper I don't want to stay here, helpless, while the rest of you are out there risking your lives. I want to be able to help." He steps closer embracing me causing me to melt into his arms.

"I understand that, but we don't know enough about your gifts to know if they will be helpful or harmful to you in the midst of battle. And I don't want to risk not knowing with newborns. It can be deadly." I say deeply, slumping onto the bed knowing he's completely right.

"I hate not being able to help defend our family." I mumble and he kisses the top of my head, sitting beside me.

"I know Love, but we would all feel better knowing you are here and safe. It's alright." Sighing again I flop back on the bed knowing I'm defeated. Jasper leans over, pressing kisses on my face before landing on my lips. "We'll be back soon, you won't even notice."

"I'll notice you being gone."

I state raising a brow, and he smirks before giving one last kiss and is gone. Sighing, I hate my humanness in times like these and I hope that his words are true, that they will all come back without any problems or injuries. I lay on the bed for a while after changing into comfier clothes and releasing my hair from the tight braids, noticing the sky change in color and realize they've been gone for longer than we thought they'd be.

Suddenly my mind is flooded with memories, a dark city with darker forms–people milling around inside a dark warehouse draining stiller bodies on the floor.

"Hmm, I guess it was only a matter of time before you started asking questions. If you must know, I was bored. And I don't quite have everything in line, to visit your sister or Edward. So I thought why not have a bit of fun." The smirk turns into a sinister smile.

I suddenly remember everything. How I ended up in Seattle a couple weeks ago, why I didn't tell Jasper. It was because Victoria had taken me and somehow suppressed these memories until now. They had shown me the army, shown me what was to come for our families and I had no idea, couldn't warn them. How did she get away with this?

I didn't think vampires could manipulate and change memories... More questions to ask Carlisle I guess. I suddenly hear the front door open, another door in the house close before the door closes again, and I'm left to hope and wonder if that was one of the Cullen's and why they came back without the rest of the family. Yet after a while, I hear the door open again and this time the sound of footsteps comes towards the bedroom and I jump up prepared, and I relax once Jasper steps through the doorway.

"You're back." I mumble into Jasper's chest and feel the tension release from his body as I wrap my arms around him.

"Victoria and her army are dead. We no longer need to worry about them. The Volturi showed up at the end, so I'm glad you stayed here." I look at him surprised, not expecting them to step in once we had it taken care of.

"Speaking of Victoria, I know how I got to Seattle a while ago. She was at my house and decided to take me there. She showed me the army, but somehow was able to suppress those memories, so I couldn't warn anyone." He returns my look of shock and looks as confused as I feel.

"I didn't know vampires could do that."

"That makes me feel better because I didn't either. But I'm glad you all are safe and home. I heard someone earlier—?"

"That was Carlisle. Jacob wasn't paying attention and a newborn got his arms around him, he ended up with some broken bones and so he went to go help him heal." I nod feeling bad for the boy, hoping his wolf genes will help him heal quickly from this.

"Poor kid. Anyone else hurt?" He shakes his head and I relax glad they made it out without a scratch. We sit in silence for a little bit, enjoying being with each other and I can't help but wonder if all this is really over and if we can finally return to a normal life.

Normal for us that is.

"What happens now?" I ask and he's silent for a while as he thinks, but it's a comfortable quiet.

"Let's have a wedding." I look at him in shock for a second before the excitement takes over, seeing the finality in his eyes.

"You're serious?!" He nods with a wide smile. "Let's do it then!" I jump into his lap planting a kiss on his lips, and he wraps his arms tightly around me and it's the safest and most loved I've felt in a very long time.

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