Coffee With A ...Vampire?

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The next day I wake up slightly nervous for what's to come, and unfortunately I can't get Bella's discovery out of my mind. But I want to give Jasper a chance, and if he is like his brother... I just hope he's honest with me.

I make my way down to the only actual coffee shop in town, and I simply park in the empty lot and head inside. Ordering a warm drink to keep the chill at bay, I go find a small table in the corner and await the mysterious man.

Thankfully, I don't have too wait long until I spot the curly mop of blonde hair walk through the door, and it's almost like he had sensed my presence, as he looks over to catch my eye, smiling widely.

"You came." He grinned and his good mood is contagious making me smile as well.

"Wouldn't miss it. Are you not getting anything?" I notice as he sits across from me, that he didn't get a coffee and he simply shakes his head, his smile faltering slightly.

"I'll get something a bit later." He brushes it off. "I firstly wanted to apologize for my behavior lately. It was terribly rude, and I didn't want to seem evasive." Watching his eyes as he apologizes, I can see that he's telling the truth, which I appreciate, but I also notice a painful restraint, and I can't help but wonder why it's there... What's he needing to restrain himself from..?

"It's alright. It's nice to know though, that you just didn't think I was crazy, and just couldn't think of a reason why you didn't want to see me anymore." I laugh slightly, hoping it covers my slight insecurity, looking into my coffee instead.

Jasper smiles at her reaction, and feels the strange switch of his emotions and he's suddenly reminded of how close they are, and how beautiful she smells.... He attempts to restrain himself, smiling and clearing his throat in order to hide his discomfort.

"Not at all, I—forgive me if this is too bold, but I quite like spending time with you." He smiles slightly causing the embarrassing blush to creep in as I smile.

"No, I don't think it's too bold, because I too, enjoy our time together."

I smile and not thinking about it, I reach for his folded hands, barely grazing them before, quicker than lightening, he pulls them under the table, and I stare wide eyed at the place they used to sit.

Jasper also sits shocked, not only did he just expose himself, but her touch sent a jolt of electricity to his undead heart, making it feel as though it jumped in its cage after one hundred and fifty years.

"You're hands are freezing..." I contemplate quietly as a million things begin to buzz around my head, as I try to piece things together. Maybe Bella was right... But that's something I needs to know for myself.

"Will you be honest with me?" I gaze at him through my lashes, almost timidly, not knowing how he'll react, and he sighs almost like he knows exactly where this is going.

"Not here."

He says quietly and stands, all thoughts of small talk forgotten. He offers me his hand, and so I grasp it confidently, feeling the electricity again originating at our bound hands.

"Do you trust me?" He asks the million dollar question. Do I? He's a vampire..or at least that's what it's looking like. I want to trust him, so I guess I do.

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