Tragedy Breeds Chaos

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During the next week, I have some time off from the hospital, and so I decide to head to Forks High to see if Jasper wants to get lunch somewhere. It's bound to be better than school food.

As I pull into the school parking lot, I walk towards the courtyard, and I end up running into my sister and her friends.

"Sophia?" Bella questions as she sees me come around the corner, enjoying the day like everyone else, out in the sunshine.

"Hi Bella." I smile slightly, looking around hoping to spot him amongst the sea of people.

"What are you doing here? I would've thought you wanted to stay away from here." Bella laughs slightly making me feel obligated to join in, nodding at her last statement.

"Yeah, well, I'm looking for Jasper Cullen—" I watch as Bella's eyes widen slightly, unsure as to why she'd have such a reaction, but then I remember she's met them before.

"They're not here." Jessica comments from her sunbathing spot on a nearby table, making both of us look at her.

"Whenever the weathers nice, the Cullen's disappear." She mumbles, peaking an eye open to look at us.

"They just ditch?" Bella asks confused.

"No, Dr. And Mrs. Cullen yank em out for hiking and camping and stuff." Huh...why did I never thought of that...

"Okay, well, enjoy the rest of your day."

I bid Bella and her friends goodbye, smiling while trying to push the disappointed feeling, that's growing in my stomach, down.

I hadn't heard from Jasper all week, which I mean I realized by Tuesday that I didn't have a way to contact him or him, me. I thought that this would be the best way to find him, since I haven't seen him come to the hospital all week...where he knows I work...but it seems he doesn't want to be found..

Meanwhile, Jasper must face time alone with his siblings, all of which now know his situation, thanks to Edward trying to be "helpful", and they each have their own opinion of it.

"All we're saying Jazz, is to just be cautious–" Alice begins, knowing there's a positive outcome, but also knowing how hard it could be for Jasper.

"We don't want you to torture yourself—" Esme chimes in before being cut off.

"Just don't pull an Edward, and you should be fine." Rosalie comments with a smirk causing Edward to glare at her, and Carlisle cuts in before he can make a retort.

"I would be extra careful around her Jasper. She's very smart, and very observant. I'm afraid she could already be suspicious, but that was my fault, when I rushed to you in my office."

"You did?" Esme asks, surprised Carlisle had lost his control in front of a human.

"Yes. Jasper caught me off guard, and he froze... I was trying to prevent something from happening." Carlisle runs a hand through his disheveled hair, and Esme lays a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I appreciate everyone's concern, but I'm well in control. Thankfully, because I recognize her from human memories, my urges all but disappear when she's near."

"She's the only human I don't want to harm, although; there is something strange about her, I'll admit." Jasper thinks on his last meeting with her, and recalls a strange sensation while he was walking with her.

"What do you mean?" Carlisle's attention suddenly peaks.

"When I met her in the forest, we were talking and things were fine, then suddenly I could sense both our emotions scattering all over the place. It was like my gift was being used on me, causing a feeling of interference."

This revelation gets everyone thinking. How could Jasper's own gift be used on him if he was with a human and didn't sense anyone around them... Could it be possible that Sophia has an underlying gift that none of them noticed upon meeting her the first time?


After another long afternoon, of trying to clear my mind of all things Jasper, I head home from the local coffee shop driving pass the sheriff's department and slowing as I see my dad's car.

"Why is Dad still there?" I quickly park in the lot, knowing something must've happened and I climb out of the car, to see my father alongside my boss.

"Dad? Dr. Cullen?"

"Hello Sophia." Carlisle greets me as I make my way over to them.

"What's happened?"

I glance between the two men, hoping one of them will answer me, truthfully, when suddenly the door to the station opens again and in walks Edward and Bella, to which a send a surprised look.

"Waylon Forge was found in the woods out near his place. I just examined the body." Bella's face drops in horror, and I nonchalantly watch as Edward's darkens.

"He died? How?" When did antisocial Bella start hanging out with Edward Cullen?

"Animal attack." Carlisle answers solemnly.

"The same kind that killed that guard down in Mason?"

I question, while worrying for my father's state of mind, this was his friend after all. After Carlisle confirms the animal is the same, I leave the tense conversation to go and talk to Charlie.

"How are you doing Dad?" I ask softly meeting him at his desk, placing a soft hand on his shoulder.

"Oh I'm alright Sophia. Known him thirty years..." He trails off and I hug him tightly, knowing this has gotta be hard for him.

"Until we find this thing, promise me Sophia, no more photography trips in the forests? Please?" I'm about to protest when I glimpse the look of despair and loss on her father's face.

"Okay Dad. I promise, I'll stay out of the forest." I agree reluctantly with a sigh, but can physically see Charlie relax, ever so slightly. I bid my father goodnight, and as I pass through the front doors to leave, I'm surprised when Edward stops me briefly.

"Sophia, I have this for you." He hands me an envelope, with a slight smile in my direction which I'm confused by. "Just read it when you get home. Have a good night."

And like that, Edward drives off in his car, and I stand stunned by the interaction, looking to the letter in my hand, seeing her name written eloquently across the front, and wondering what the hell that was about...

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