Where We Left Off

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"I remember." His eyes widen at my statement and he stares long into my eyes, no doubt finding the recognition he was looking for.

"What---H-How?" I smile widely, everything now making sense, except of course how it was possible I was here, but we can worry about that later..

"I don't know. But I remember everything. You leaving for the Confederacy, you asking my father for my hand and me accepting your proposal..." I trail off as all the memories continue to flood my mind, but I see Jasper smile before his face turns into one of thought.

"It doesn't make sense... You are Bella's sister--"

"And yet, I'm also Scarlette..." I add just as confused to how all this could work and how it could be possible.

"What does this mean for our relationship? If you remember our past..." Jasper asks awkwardly, even though I was thinking the same.

"I'm still me, Sophia. I don't think I could fast forward our current relationship to that of the past." I say fiddling with my fingers hoping he wasn't expecting to just jump back in where our past selves left off.

"And I wouldn't expect you to be okay with that! We can take it slow, reconnect. Because yes, you have Scarlette's memories, but you're still different and so am I."

I nod, smiling because the gap in my soul has finally been filled with the resurfacing of these memories. He kisses me again on my lips, and my heart flutters with familiarity causing me to smile into the kiss and he pulls back , his lips curling in his signature crooked smile.


"I just...finally feel..like I'm no longer missing a piece of myself." I try my best to put it into words. "Like I'm finally back where I'm supposed to be." I say truthfully. Once getting my old memories back, I no longer have any reservations about Jasper or if I'm doing the right thing, I now know this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. He simply smiles before pulling me back in for another kiss.

"Do you want to come to my place? I have some old things to show you." He says with a smile, after we break apart and I smile back with a nod, wondering what it is he could possibly have.

We head back to the Cullens, well more like Jazz runs us back in a blur. We greet the Cullens in their living room, before Jasper quickly pulls me up the stairs causing his family to laugh at Jasper's excitement. I giggle never having seen this side of my boyfriend before now, knowing that gaining my memories was a relieving thing for the both of us.

I enter back into Jasper's room, one I hadn't been in since I relived those memories and now it feels like home to be in here. He leads me over to where the couch used to sit, and in its place is a large queen sized bed clothed in a silver duvet, and I sit on the edge of it raising a brow.

"Alice." He rolls his eyes jokingly towards his sister. "She insisted, that I have one for whatever it is she's seen." He laughs slightly, and I can swear if he could blush he would be, making me giggle before I realized what he said.

"What she's seen?" I tilt my head to the side, looking at him in question and his eyes widen slightly at his slip.

"Right..I forgot we were interrupted before I could explain everything." He sits beside me with a chuckle. "Some of us in my family have these gifts. Alice can see the future, Edward can read minds, and I have influence over emotions."

"So that's why I was getting those bits of calm?" I laugh slightly, as he grabs my hand and I recognize the familiar feeling, and smile widely.

"That's so cool." I whisper and he smiles crookedly before getting back up.

"It's not always so bad I guess." He shrugs as a shadow quickly passes his face, but I don't press it.

He unearths an old looking box from somewhere in a massive closet, and returns to my side, sitting gracefully. I watch as his eyes glaze, traveling back through old memories no doubt, a genuine smile pulling his lips up.

"Guess I can give this to you now that we've found our way back to each other. I found it in Louisiana before I was turned."

He hands the box to me, and I gently take it from his hands, surprise flooding my body. I smile at him gently before lifting the lid and gasping in surprise. Inside the box is a beautiful diamond rimmed sapphire necklace in a silver setting on a glittering sliver chain. I admire the pendant before looking at Jasper completely at a lose for words at this beautiful and unexpected gift.

"It's beautiful." I whisper slightly looking between the two. "You got this 150 years ago?" I question not being able to see the age in such a beautiful jewel.

"I did. It caught my eye, and I thought it was absolutely beautiful and knew it would be perfect with your eyes." I bring him into another kiss, completely forgetting about his boundaries overwhelmed by my love for this man, but he doesn't object so it seems to be okay.

"Thank you." That simple phrase encapsulates all that I'm truly thankful for him.

"For you, always." He kisses me on the forehead with smiles. "May I?"

He asks looking at the necklace briefly and I nod, moving my hair off my neck. I feel him hesitate and I didn't fully realize how this situation would be dangerous for him, and I wish I had his gift to give him a feeling of serenity that he'll be okay.

"We've really gotta figure out how you can do that." He breaths out, before I feel his cold hands meet the back of my neck causing me to shiver from more than just the chill.

"There, perfect."

He whispers by my ear and I've gotta suppress another shudder, but freeze as he places a small kiss in the junction between my neck and my shoulder, feeling a sort of frigid burn erupt on my skin where his lips once were. I turn to look at him, noticing that his eyes have darkened substantially making my heart beat even faster than it already was.

"Sophia!" Alice suddenly appears in the doorway cheerfully, causing Jasper and I to jump apart, blood rushing to my face at the sudden interruption.

"Alice." I smile slightly hearing Jasper growl suddenly before jumping away from my side.

"I hope you don't mind me stealing her Jasper, you'll get her back later." Her voice is light as she grabs my hand, but I can hear Jasper mutter something under his breath as she pulls me from the bed.

She giggles as she pulls me from his room, and I look back to see his hands run through his curls in what seems to be frustration, and he looks up feeling my gaze and smiles slightly, which I return before I'm pulled around the corner and away from my boyfriend.

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