Vampires Play Baseball?

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"What is so important Alice?" I say with a giggle, cocking an eyebrow at my eccentric friend.

"I just wanted some girl time with you, is that so bad?" She sasses back as we sit on the couch in her room.

"Not bad at all! It feels like forever since we've had time to talk."

"And now that you've got your memories back." She smiles slightly. "How are you dealing with all that?"

"It's strange. I've always felt like there was a missing piece of myself, I just never would've thought it would be a separate life from over 100 years ago..." I tie my hair into a messy bun to keep myself from playing with it, a habit I get when I'm nervous.

"I know it's different, but everything will work out." She pats my knee with a smile, and I grin a yawn suddenly taking me over. "Why don't you get some sleep, we've got a big day tomorrow!" She grins and I just raise a brow confused.

"What's tomorrow?" Finally realizing how late it is, hoping I can just crash here, and tell Dad I'm having a sleep over with Alice..

"We've got a baseball game to play. Don't worry, you can stay with Jasper. It's not a big deal." She smiles and I blush slightly, as she throws a tracksuit at me.

"Sometimes I feel you're the one who can read minds..." I shake my head with slight laughter, thanking her for the clothes and bidding her goodnight.

I slowly make my way back towards Jasper's room, anxiety for some reason filling my body, just at the thought of staying over. It's not like anything is going to happen, why am I being so dramatic? Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I knock lightly before I hear him telling me to come in, and I open the door smiling as I see him looking through an old book.

"Alice let you go this quickly?" He chuckles and I chime in before sitting next to him on the bed.

"She said we had a big day tomorrow, baseball game or something." I smile as he does, noticing an old picture tucked in the pages of a book and I pull it out.

"I remember this picture, I remember you sending it with a letter." I admit timidly, looking at the serious Confederate portrait they had every soldier do in those days.

"It was such a terrible picture to send home." He says with a chuckle. "But, I wanted you to have a little something while I was gone." I smile once more as he places the picture back in its place and gets up to place the book in its spot.

"Well, it seems Alice made a good call with the bed." I giggle as I sit back towards the pillows, catching Jasper off guard with my statement, making him sputter.

"I meant, because I'm staying—if that's okay?" I can feel my face catch fire as I try to better explain what I meant, but it didn't go as smoothly as I wanted. He chuckles laying down next to me, and I smile shyly.

"It's fine. You're always welcome to stay here Sofia." He states kindly, cradling my hand in his making me smile.

"Good. Cuz I might be staying here more than at my own home." We share another laugh, before a yawn works it's way out making me blush.

"Get some sleep Love. I'll see you in the morning." He sweetly kisses my forehead, and I snuggle deeper into the comfort of the blankets, quickly welcoming sleep.

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