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Jeje checks the content of their bag for the third time when Mikuni enters the room dishelved, most likely as a result of running around too much. They've spent the last few days planning out their trip, and the blond has been more restless than ever. He wants everything to be absolutely perfect. If it was just about traveling, he wouldn't put himself under so much pressure. When they did in the past, they used to take the bare minimum of clothing and stuff, but obviously it's entirely different this time. Preparing the luggage proves to remain fairly easy, though, the stress being due to another kind of preparations.

While signing a marriage contract doesn't sound difficult in itself - they don't occultate the possibility of one of them fainting, though - there are lots of administrative matters to deal with first. Which Jeje is shockingly bad at for someone who's lived this long, so Mikuni has taken it upon himself to take care of it. In addition to the hotel reservation, the planning of the ceremony they will hold when coming back to Japan... Maybe he should ask for a little help from his brother. He's already done an amazing job with the birthday party, Mikuni's sure preparing food and decorations for a wedding is nearly the same. Jeje won't like anything too fancy, anyways. The main reason he's not as stressed as his lover is because he doesn't see the point. Why do humans bother organizing a feast after the ceremony ? He gets the part about exchanging vows, and it's safe to say that he's more romantic than Mikuni in that regard, but why reunite with your friends ? Can't they spend this moment just the two of them?

But of course, Jeje is also well aware that this way of thinking is unfair. They will in fact be alone when getting officially married, and when they will celebrate with the other pairs it won't compare to an actual ceremony at the church. He simply doesn't enjoy being the center of attention, but given their dynamic Mikuni will know how to drive it on himself instead. Jeje has honestly meant to help with the administrative part, but his blond has insisted on doing that, too.

'We both know it will be faster this way', he said, and 'I may have to go against the law'.

Jeje had sighed then, nothing has been simple from the start. Moving overseas to get legally married is one thing, but he can't help having no birth certificate nor any document of the sort. He's not worried about Mikuni falsifying some, the eve knows what he's doing, but it sure adds more work for him. To sum it up, Jeje's felt kinda useless, as he's let his eve be in charge of everything.

The latter is now busy texting Misono, as they have agreed on meeting up at the airport before their departure. It doesn't prevent him from noticing Jeje's inner monologue.

-" Something on your mind?" He asks, eyes still on his screen.
" I... Well, I'm... sorry for not being of help. I want to... marry you... so b-"
"Stop right there. You have nothing to apologize for, Jeje. I know you would have done just fine if we had simply exchanged vows, official or not. You agreeing to go is enough."

Doubt Doubt nods slowly, but Mikuni can tell he's not really convinced. He walks up to him with a grin, wraps his arms around his waist and says a cheesy line.

"You relieve the tension just by standing there~"
"...Sh-shut up. I will... make you something to eat. So... Let go." Jeje stutters, cheeks red, but that only makes his eve chuckle.
"See, that's what I mean. My Jeje is so sweet !"

This results in a harmless bickering, after which Mikuni has to surrender so they can finish before heading to the airport.

They would have been late if not for Misono calling his brother five times in a row, and the boy isn't pleased with that knowledge. Needless to say, Mikuni gets seriously scolded again.

"I figure I don't have to tell you how important this flight is ? What were you two doing ?"
"My dear Misono seems to believe we were messing around. Can you believe it, Jeje ? "

The latter looks at his own brother, who smiles sheepishly. It's obvious to everyone Misono is merely concerned with their well-being and future,  but his way of putting it is still a little gauche. Also, no one is going to mention his puffy eyes. Lily hasn't turned him yet, so they aren't the most odd looking ones. Not that Mikuni hasn't recieved a bunch of compliments from everyone already. The morning following their birthdays has been memorable, to say the least.

Misono shoves a bag in his brother's chest, making the latter look at him curiously.

"Some books Lily thinks I'm too young to read. It's horror and psychological, maybe it'll suit your taste. If not, feel free to dispose of them."
"My, my. I appreciate it, but you need to learn to phrase your sentences better."

Misono makes a clicking sound with his tongue but otherwise doesn't comment. He instead goes on, as the plane will have to take off soon.
"Have you opened it?"

Mikuni doesn't even bat an eye before answering. While the question is vague, he knows what it is about.
"No, I had to focus on other things lately. But I will."

The lust pair gives a sign of aknowledgement, while Jeje frowns under his bags. Mikuni has reflected on what his father told him in his letter from last time, and he's mature enough to understand some things, but has also been hurt too many times to forgive other ones. Jeje definitely can't overlook that, yet he's confident that the envelop Mikuni was gifted is a good push for their relationship to get better.

If he has to judge from Lily's subtle smile, it is. The vampire looks at his watch, his mouth taking the shape of a 'o' as he realizes it's almost time.
"It seems you have to go, now. Please have a safe trip."
"Well, I believe we're both immune to most kinds of dangers !" Mikuni jokes, succeeding in making his brother smile at last. Poor boy is evidently sad to see his brother leave, even for a short time.

"Even so, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful. Envy will agree with me on this one." He says, immediatly gaining Jeje's approval.
Mikuni pouts, but then Jeje takes their luggage and gestures for them to go, not without briefly waving at the lust pair. The blond screams something along the lines of "see you my cute little bro" and dashes off as well so he doesn't hear him grumbling.

Once in the plane, Mikuni doesn't waste one second before putting his hand over Jeje's, who feels like teasing him for a change.
"Since when were you afraid of the plane?"
The eve smirks, as usual, and replies in a way he knows will seduce Jeje. "I wouldn't say I'm scared, but at least if you hold my hand I'm one hundred percent sure I'll be safe. Also, it was there for me to take."

Jeje looks to the other side, his cheeks slightly pink. As he thought, growing used to it doesn't help. Mikuni's grip is strangely tight, though, and he has to think something is bothering him. Most likely the envelop.

"You should open it now. It... Once it's over, you can move on..."
Jeje hasn't exactly hesitated to say it, but it was a sensitive subject. However, Mikuni only squeezes his hand even tighter and takes the paper. He is quite shocked to see two coupons with an adress at the back. Jeje doesn't look at them but at his lover's face, and is delighted when it goes from surprised to satisfied. Mikuni leans on his shoulder next, presenting him the coupons.

"It seems our first step will be to buy suits. I hope my Jeje won't feel too uncomfortable."

Said vampire smiles tenderly, his hand ruffling the blond hair. "I will manage that, Sweetie."
And Mikuni wholeheartedly laughs, appreciating the warmth he's provided with. If becoming a vampire means a new beginning, it sure is coming out well.

This story is finished, but there is still a special chapter to come ! If you want clues, you can check out chapter 20 again. I'd like to thank everyone who's kept up with the story and left comments. It was really motivating and gave me confidence in my writing. Also, I'm not done making jekuni content, these two have my heart.
See you soon !

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