chapter 38

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The only thing Mikuni could feel was a burning sensation throughout his whole body. His senses were dull, too, and he couldn't hear anything aside from his own thoughts- or memories, to be more accurate. The all too realistic pain aside, it looked like a dream in which he was provided with recollection of his life, and he ironically guessed that was what seeing your life story unfold was. Now, he wasn't dying, or so he hoped, so it indeed was weird. Although, in a way, he could in fact call it dying. The pain was particularly intense in his head due to all the recollection, probably, and for the rest, he just knew his limbs were numb. As for the memories themselves, some were awful and painful to recall, while the most recent ones were mostly full of joy. Mikuni realized this movie of his life was coming to an end when he rewatched this very night go on, but strangely enough, he wasn't afraid of what was coming next. There was simply no way Jeje had killed him. He just waited for his body to allow him to wake up, his mind clearer with each second.

When he managed to make out some rustling noise, he knew he was fine and Jeje was right next to him. However, he could also feel a strong hold on his body that didn't only feel warm. There was something wrong with the way Jeje's hand frantically brushed his face, with the way it felt like he was desperately trying to get a response from him. As for the arm around his waist, it wasn't crushing him, far from it, but this was a grip no one could break no matter how much willpower they put into it.

In short, Mikuni didn't like it at all, and he put more effort to awake his senses. Once his hearing had fully returned, it was for him to be even more distraught, as there was constant muttering coming from Jeje and- was he sobbing? He couldn't understand the words yet, everything was still confused and it was a lot of information to process after what he'd been through. His frustration won at last, though, and he could eventually comprehend what Jeje's mantra consisted of. "I'm sorry" was what was repeated more often, and Mikuni knew. He knew Jeje thought he had killed him and was drowning in grief. And self-hatred, when he heard something else. "I shouldn't have yearned for you... I shouldn't have come to your house... you would have been better off..."

His consciousness fully back now, Mikuni struggled to make a move, or open even one eye, but everything still hurt and Jeje's aura was suffocating. Or course, his servamp probably wasn't aware that he was doing it, but he was unleashing a sorrowful, dark, murderous atmosphere. And it was so ominous he nearly felt sick, except he found the strenght in himself to ignore it and finally open his eyes. With much difficulty, but he did it. Jeje was in such despair that he didn't notice, though, and maybe talking to him wouldn't work either at this point.

Inhaling deeply, Mikuni silently wished for his last resort to work and slammed his head hard in his servamp's chin. Which was incredibly stupid, but only intense pain could force him back into reality now. Though the pain was mostly intense for himself at the moment, a great idea indeed. He might as well have lost conscioussness again, but it seemed he recovered a lot faster than before now that he was done changing. All the burning from before was most likely the indesirable part of being turned into a vampire, which his dumb partner should have known since he had subclasses.

Jeje had bitten his tongue when Mikuni hit him, so there was a bit of blood that got completly ignored when they made eye contact and the dark aura magically vanished. The blond watched as his servamp's eyes went from grieving to empty to full of relief in seconds, and he was tempted to hit him again when the dumbass threatened to cry again, although it would have been from happiness. He didn't have the time to seriously consider it, as he was crushed into an embrace, for real this time.

-"I- I thought I... I thought you were..." Jeje tried to speak, but his heavy breathing wouldn't let him. His reason to live was still there, he wasn't the monster who murdered his beloved, Mikuni was fine. He'd been terrified and hated himself, but now it was alright. The blond agreed for the most part, but if he kept squeezing him like that, maybe he'd actually die tonight.

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