Chapter 25

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Misono walked through the corridor, a determined expression on his face. It was about time his father explained himself, and other than with threats.

-Misono, will you be okay? I know I said this went too far, but maybe Mikuni was right... no point making him angry at you-"

"Lily. I know what I'm doing. And by the way, we're paying a visit to them afterwards so prepare their supplementary stuff."

"Alright, but don't push it. I can't help you with this but allow me to send you all my positive energy." Lily cheered.

"That's just lame. But thanks. Now then... I'm turning this way, go to my brother's room. And don't forget the diary. That idiot never found it by himself in the end."

"Yes, no need to worry. See you later, and good luck."

They nodded at each other and went separated ways. MIsono was about to knock on the office's door but stopped in his tracks when he heard a feminine voice. He recognized it easily, but was left perplexed because why would she be here? Didn't she say she would never put one foot in their house again? He couldn't understand their conversation and became anxious since it was very much probable she was going to bring more trouble.

'What should I do, pretend I didn't hear them talking and knock or wait? If I keep standing here they'll think I was eavesdropping... Well, let's go.' The teen decided.

A few seconds of silence followed his action, then a muffled voice told him to come in. He guessed right, Erina was here. Her clothes looked less conspicuous than last time, he noticed. Proof that she'd been trying to impress Mikuni before.

-"Misono, what's up?" His father asked.

" I needed to have a talk with you, but please finish with Ms.Erina. I'm sorry for interruping you."

"It is fine, I was almost done." The lady spoke. "Mr Alicein, please understand that all this was decided on a whim of mine. I don't know what you explained to Mikuni, but I want you to know it isn't that important to me anymore. My parents brought it up because they are used to accomplish every request of mine. However, since it is obvious Mikuni will never be willing to even try learning more about me, it would be pointless keeping this up."

Mikado looked pensive, then remorseful, and answered.

-" I am well aware all of this was decided because you loved my son. And I have to tell you this, Misono, Erina's parents never forced me into it. Sure, they requested the two of them would meet when Mikuni came back, but it wasn't their wish to see them get married."

"Then why? The way you put it, there wasn't much of a choice. I thought it was meant to repay our debt." Misono pressed the matter.

-" It could very well have been. But we are friends, and it wasn't like that at all. I... just as I wanted to protect you by keeping you locked inside this house, I thought I could do the same with Mikuni by agreeing on that. It escalated quickly, after I contacted them again we talked about it and Erina's dad told me she was still in love with him. Then a plan came to mind. I, at first, wasn't intending to come to such drastic measures. I didn't lie when I said we are endebted to the Cambridges. But the truth is, they don't care about that money. They never asked me for repayment." Mikado admitted.

'Lawless guessed everything right... pretty amazing.' Misono noted. 

Mikado continued.

-" I really wanted to do something for them, and I found a way to put Mikuni to safety at the same time. Travelling the world constantly,  being involved with... I thought it was enough."

"But Mikuni doesn't think like that." Misono countered. His father caught himself just in time, they were so used talking about vampires that he almost said it in front of Erina. Who didn't make any comment, thankfully.

-" Anyways, eventhough I realized marriage was too much, it was too late. Mikuni had a right to be angry, but I couldn't stand him talking like this to me. And so I got carried away. In the end, I never managed to communicate properly with him. It is the second time I fail him as a father, so I understand he left. I know this won't make up for what I did, but... I regret that I was never able to protect you two." 

This wasn't all, of course, there was still an important point that needed to be discussed, but not in front of her.

-" I think I can understand. I don't agree with your way of doing things, but I get why it could have crossed your mind." Misono said. "However, you will have to tell him all those things. And... I think you should learn to respect his choices."

The man had a sad smile, he was honest when he said all he wanted was to keep his sons safe. He just never knew how, and Mikuni's years of absence didn't help with all this. 

-" Well, I did what I had to do." Erina declared. "If you will excuse me, I will take my leave now. Thank you for listening to me."

"I am the one who should thank you for understanding. Please convey my greetings to your parents." Mikado politely replied.

"I will. Good bye."

After she left Misono still had a question about the 'argument' that occured between his dad and his brother.

-" Now that she left, I can ask you... did you really use Jeje against Mikuni? I mean, first you said he could keep him by his side if he agreed to your conditions, and then... What were you thinking exactly?"

" In the perfect scenario I had imagined, he would choose his freedom over him who was responsible for his mother's death. That's why I told him he could keep his servamp if he married Erina. I knew he would never accept this arranged marriage, and I used it at my advantage. Tried to. I never expected they would get so attached to each other, and I was mad about it. I still don't get how he could come to love him. To the point of leaving again. " The man said.

Misono didn't know much about love, and he didn't know how it would have went if it had been him but there was one thing he understood.

-" Well... for me, I don't always get what Mikuni is thinking, either. But... The thing I am sure of is that at one point Jeje became everything to Mikuni. He himself said he wanted to blame him at first, but it wasn't that simple. I think he would have hated Jeje if he wasn't like this with him. But because he saw how much he cared about him and how guilty he felt for what happened, he couldn't. And they became attached to one another, as you said." 

It was still difficult to accept for Mikado, but perhaps with time he would tolerate the vampire's existence.  And maybe one day Mikuni would be willing to forgive him for everything. Because he would probably never say it in front of his elder son, but he knew deep down it was his fault. Partly.

-"I'm going to write a letter. That should do for now?" He asked his younger boy. 

The latter smiled.

-" I think it will. I'm going to see them with Lily in the afternoon. I will deliver it for you then."

"I will appreciate that."

And so with time, they should learn to comprehend each other.







Sorry this isn't what I'd call a fluffy chapter but things needed to be said. Lots of love to come in the next and last chapters.

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