Chapter 23

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Jeje stayed in bed with Mikuni, he was too scared he would wake him up if he moved. And he had an excuse to cuddle with him, although he didn't really need one. He found himself thinking about the past, the first few months after their contract had been formed, to be precise. Back then Mikuni didn't smile much, he didn't play stupid pranks on him yet, either. He had been surprised when the blonde had revealed he liked to annoy him just to have his attention. He had initially thought he was doing it as some kind of punishment for what he did to his mother. And, looking back, he felt stupid for thinking that way. There were a lot of different things he could have done if he had intended to make him pay.

Jeje shook his head, it wasn't good dwelling on the past too much. What was important was how they were now, and how much progresse they had made together. Speaking of progress, Misono had made some great work on himself, too. Accepting the truth and forgiving his brother had to be quite difficult, but he had managed to do both. Jeje pondered a bit more until he realized something: they hadn't called Mahiru nor Tetsu, and not even Misono since they had left. They had had better things to do, granted, but now it would be good to at least tell them they were fine. Jeje slowly detached himself from Mikuni, hoping the sudden lack of warmth wouldn't wake him up. He still needed to rest, and it wasn't morning yet anyways. When he was sure the boy was fast asleep, Doubt Doubt went searching for the phone. He assumed it would be in one of Mikuni's pockets, and found it in his pants.

He should put their clothes to dry, too. He also took those that were inside the bag and hanged them near the radiator. He mentally cringed when the phone's screen didn't light up, and put it to charge in hopes that it hadn't been damaged by the rain. He sighed in relief when he saw it was actually not dead, just the battery being empty. He would have to wait to send a text, but given the hour the boys should all be sleeping so not much of a problem. Unless they stayed awake just to make sure they were okay, and were currently worried-sick because of them not giving any sign of life. This was typically the kind of situation that made Jeje say he didn't need friends. Caring for others was really tiresome, but it wasn't as though he could help it.

Being Mikuni's servamp, he had met a lot of people, some crazier than others. And it just so happened that even he had ended up liking them. 'All of Love must have reassured them already, though...' Jeje thought as he went back in bed with his eve. There was no point sitting on the floor, he might as well go back to his side. He quietly laid back down next to Mikuni and stared at his sleepy face. He looked so defenseless like this. Jeje played with his beautiful blonde locks, but froze when Mikuni's breath hitched and he furrowed his brows.

-"Mmh, Jeje... moron." He mumbled, and Jeje really thought he had screwed up until Mikuni's expression softened again and he nearly snored. The servamp didn't know how to feel about that, Mikuni was super cute but at the same time he called him a moron. And his sleep, at that.

'Ugh, whatever...I will just stay here and get some rest." He thought as he embraced him once more.

A few hours later, Mikuni opened his eyes. The sun had just rose, meaning it wasn't late in the morning and he could stay in bed for a while. And a certain someone was holding him, which was pretty comfy and not very enticing for him to move.

-"Jeje is quite muscular... feels great." He whispered closing his eyes, but they snapped open again when the taller one replied:

-"Uh w-well th-thank you..." he said blushing.

"Wha- you were awake!? Nevermind that, I didn't mean to actually say it out loud... eventhough it's the truth, but oh, crap..." The blonde started ranting.

"Ahem, it's fine... more importantly, are you okay?"

Mikuni blinked, he didn't understand his question. It seemed pretty obvious he was okay, no...? Except for his hips that felt a bit sore, but that was quite normal.

-"Yeah, of course, why ? I mean, my butt hurts a bit but it was my first time so I would have assumed it was to be expected-"

"Oh my god, Mikuni, shut up...! I swear..."

"But you asked if I was okay, I was simply answering your question." The eve pouted. "And besides, it's too late to be shy, you know."

Jeje wanted to curse, it was clear Mikuni was perfectly fine given the way he was acting. And eventhough he was glad, he knew he would be the one having to deal with his embarassing comments all day. Like he did just now, one sentence from his partner and memories from their previous night flooded Jeje's mind. And damn had it been the most wonderful one yet. He just didn't know how to deal with all those emotions.

-"A-anyways, our clothes should be dry by now... si maybe you could, uhm, go wash and dress... while I send a text to All of love and the others."

Mikuni didn't react at first, but loudly gasped when his brain registered the situation.

-"Oh fuck me, I should have called my dear little bro ages ago- where IS my damn phone, anyways?"

"Mmh, calm down, I put it to charge... the battery was dead so you couldn't have called even if you wanted to. Also... please don't swear carelessly like this. It's, uhm, confusing."

Mikuni saw Jeje's cheeks were red and also flushed when he got why.

-"Geez, Jeje, that's pervy. I don't mind doing it later, though~" he taunted with a smirk, resulting in the vampire hiding behind his hair.

-"Oh right, your bags must be utterly destroyed because of that storm. We'll do something about it later, it's not the first time this happens, right? And I quite enjoy seeing your pretty face anyways."

"Yeah, well, uh... goddammit Mikuni..."

Was he planning to seduce him like this all the freaking time now?

-"Yes? Jeje my dear." And that damn smirk.

"...actually, I will go wash first. You call your brother before I... do something I could regret."

They both knew neither of them would regret it, though.

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