Chapter 20

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Jeje hadn't run so fast in a long time and was almost surprised by his own speed though it wasn't the point. They were in front of the shop, alright, but did they even have the key ? He assumed Mikuni always had it on him but if he didn't and Johannes wasn't here either they were screwed. He'd have to turn to their friends eventhough his eve specified he didn't want to and the younger boy was already drenched and freezing, wich was seriously worrysome.

-"Mikuni- hey, don't sleep yet." He called out.

The blonde, who still had his head buried in Jeje's torso, made a move to indicate he was awake before grumbling.

-" I'm not sleeping.... what's up? We're here?"

" Yes, I need the key. Please tell me you have it." 

Mikuni grunted and said:


Jeje felt heat rising to his cheeks.

-" You... want me to take it in your pocket...?"

"Do I look like I can reach it with your arms wrapped around me? Or put me down and I will take it out for you." He said that but Jeje knew fully well he wouldn't be able to stand, Mikuni was dead tired and the coldness wasn't helping. ' Be strong, me...' he thought sliding his hand in his eve's pants to take the damn key. That didn't seem to bother the blonde at all, he even let out a small noise.

'Fuck.' Jeje thought as he finally opened the door. They were inside, which was great because it was really warm in the shop and maybe Mikuni wouldn't catch the cold of the century... if he took his current clothes off. Because they were soaked and even the room's temperature wouldn't be enough for him to warm up if he kept them on. 

-"Uhm... Mikuni?" Another grumble.

-"What now?"

'He gets moody when he's sleepy...'

-"Your clothes. You need to take them off."

A sigh this time.

-"Okay... help me out? If you carry me a bit longer- let's say to the other floor- I will change them."

" As long as you do it..." Jeje said already climbing up the stairs. He could notice Mikuni shivering and promised hell and back to a certain someone if his eve got sick. It happened once and he was scared the fever would never go down. Plus it was during their C3 days and Mikuni was really fragile back then. Perhaps as much as he was right now. The young human might have been on the same wavelenght as his partner, as he suddenly declared:

-"You haven't carried me like this so often lately." Jeje blinked, it was true if he excluded the time Mikuni fell asleep and the one he had a panic attack a few weeks back. Perhaps what he meant was that he hadn't carried him for so long at once. Or was he implying that he missed being cradled in Jeje's arms?

-"Uh... yes indeed. Does that upset you?"

"No, not upset. I thought you only do it when I'm not feeling well or when we need to go fast. Last time I came up with a fever you caught me as I was fainting and didn't let go until the doctor told you to lay me in bed."

Jeje was downright flustered. He stopped walking midway, they were practically on the second floor but what his eve just said made him stop in his tracks.

-"Ho-how do you know? I mean, you weren't conscious at that time."

" Tsurugi told me. He said you were worried-sick and were suspicious of whatever the doctor gave me as a medicine. He also said you refused to leave my side until you were sure I was feeling better."

Jeje's cheeks were a beautiful shade of red, that was embarassing, why did the raven haired man tell this to Mikuni? 'Oh yes, he knew all along...' He thought starting to climb again. Now they were facing the only room in which there was a bed and blankets. Once they were inside Jeje cautiously put his eve down and the latter sat like a child. 

-"You promised you would change clothes if I carried you." The servamp reminded him.

-"Mmh." Mikuni replied trying to take off his shirt but he was tired, it was dark and the clothe was wet and cold. Jeje was torn between thinking it was cute and stare in awe or getting irked and undress him himself. Which he decided to do minus the irked part. He started to lift his eve's shirt when the other looked at him strangely.

-"What are you doing?" He asked the taller one.

Jeje flushed but kept going, Mikuni wasn't in any state to take care of himself.

-"Helping you, since you apparently can't do it by yourself and I don't want you to catch a cold again."

" Eh, so Tsurugi said the truth then. I should have understood at that time that you did care about little me." Mikuni half joked.

"Y-yeah, well... it's not of any importance now." 

The blonde frowned.

-"Don't say that. I swear if I had known sooner I would have made a move on you." He said that as Jeje just finished taking his top off, which was really not a normal situation and was beginning to affect the vampire's nerves greatly. Speaking kept his mind from wandering too much and helped him not to think about Mikuni's perfect body, but if the boy started saying stuff like that then God knew what might happen. That's why Jeje kept himself busy by seeking dry clothes in the bag. 

-"Jejeeee." Mikuni whined. "Help me take my pants off, too. They are sticking to me and that's very uncomfortable."

The black haired man wished his eve would stop saying those things. It was dangerous for his self-control. And he just realised something really troublesome. 

-"Ahem. I will but please stop saying this... embarassing stuff. And also... the bag wasn't waterproof so our other clothes got wet too." Jeje said sounding dejected. And he had a right to be given their situation. To his surprise, Mikuni shrugged it off and leaned towards him.

-"Can't be helped. You're gonna be my personal heater." He said reaching for his partner's weird clothing.

-"W-wait what do you mean by that? I can undress myself, you should warm up with the covers- Mikuni, stop undressing me!" Jeje was taken aback by his bold behaviour and eventhough he didn't hate it when it was him that didn't mean he was ready to show his body like this. He hid his face for a reason.

-"Okay." Mikuni gave up, he let go of Jeje and took his pants off before going in bed and under the blankets. 

The taller one blinked several times, one because he expected Mikuni to be more obstinate and two because he casually walked in just his underwear. 'He's going to kill me someday...' He thought actually getting rid of his clothes. He had to if he wanted to help Mikuni warm up. The blonde was facing the other side so Jeje quickly sneaked next to him. He had fallen asleep which was probably for the best. Jeje embraced him and pulled the covers closer, they hadn't properly dried off so he used one of them to do so. It didn't wake the blonde, Jeje tossed the now useless blanket aside and held Mikuni close to him, wishing he would be okay tomorrow.

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