Chapter 31

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The moment he stepped in the antique shop Jeje knew the next few minutes were going to be awful. Mikuni was sitting on a chair across the room, still wearing his sleeping clothes but judging from his posture he was furious. Right, someone who had woken up less than an hour ago and was probably feeling the side effects of alcohol shouldn't look intimidating. But it was Mikuni and what was especially scary about him was his all too calm and calculating behaviour. Of course there were circumstances in which he could yell and such, but Jeje knew from experience a quiet Mikuni was far more fearsome. Not that Jeje had personnaly ever been scared by his eve. He hated it when he was angry at him, sure, but none of the punishments he had received in the past were something to fret about. 

Furthermore , Jeje knew that after calming down, when there was no more anger nor uneasiness, Mikuni became very sensitive. Insecure, even. He had been prepared, though, and went against his eve's will knowingly, but he felt so guilty. It was worse and worse, the more he looked at him, the more he had the urge to say something. But he didn't know what aside from 'sorry' and it would just piss the blonde off more. Mikuni also knew Jeje by heart and was aware it had been for his sake again but he couldn't help it. He really wanted to slap the servamp in the face and at the same time he had this mighty need to throw himself in his arms. He wouldn't allow himself to do that, though. 

At some point he got fed up with their 'let's see how long we can maintain eye contact before one of us speaks up' game and nonchalantly stood from his chair. Jeje would be lying if he said he didn't tense at the gesture, because Mikuni sometimes remained unpredictable, even for him. When his eve patted the spot he had just been sitting on he had to wonder what he had in mind this time. Seeing his servamp's hesitation to comply Mikuni furrowed his brows just enough to show his displeasure, effectively making him move. Until now, it was just as usual. Jeje shyly sat on the chair while Mikuni took his phone on the table and came standing in front of him.

-" We're playing interrogation, Jeje. I'm gonna ask the questions, if you answer correctly, I give you a treat. If I'm not satisfied, well... we'll see."

Correction. This, right now, was the kind of attitude that let him know he was going to have a hard time. Mikuni showed his partner a text he had received from Lily, saying his servamp was at his former house. However, Lily had also requested from him to trust Jeje and wait for him. The latter felt like showering his younger brother with bullets.

-" Oh, don't be mad at him. I knew anyways. Why else would the paper have disappeared?" Mikuni said, crossing his arms. "You should take example on him. He at least had the decency to send a text. You could have left a note, don't you think?"


"Rhetorical questions don't need to be answered. Good grief, Jeje, I'm not going to eat you, so relax, will you?"

The paper bag covering Jeje's face was lifted by one centimeter, and by then he could pretty much get what the punishment would be like if he didn't answer properly. And he had to think Mikuni was doing this whole interrogation thing half-heartedly because both of them knew it wasn't that humiliating for the taller one to show his face anymore. Actually, if the eve had tried taking them off without his consent in the past, Jeje would have fired at him, so it was the first time. Looking back, the only thing Mikuni had ever done was to forbid him to drink his blood. So why was it different this time? Because they were lovers? Because they now openly showed their faith in the other? Because Mikuni knew he wouldn't shoot at him and was even more daring than usual? Whatever the reason, Jeje wouldn't know before his eve was done sanctioning him.

Speaking of which, Mikuni's hands were now resting on his knees as he leaned forward.

-" So, Jeje. What did I say about going back?"

"...that you would never do that again... And that you didn't want me to be near there, either."

"And what did you do?" Mikuni asked, leaning even closer to Jeje's face.

"...I went there." 

Now Doubt Doubt was certain all the following questions would be like that, too. And by this he meant: asked so that the answer would absolutely not satisfy him. The point? Making Jeje admit he was wrong and making him feel uncomfortable. Mikuni's fingers lingered on his cheek as he uncovered his face, and having placed all three bags on the floor he gave a soft kiss on his lips. Seeing his surprised face the blonde made a devious smile.

-" Your first answer was correct. Now tell me why you disobeyed me. You couldn't possibly believe that being my lover gave you the right to do whatever you want and be fine with it, mmh?"

Jeje cursed their contract sometimes. Even now Mikuni made it sound like it was so important and it annoyed him. 

-" I did disobey you, but it was for your- our own good. I hate seeing you cry, so I gave your father a piece of my mind, that's all. Also, he was sure it was impossible for me to love you, I wanted to prove him wrong."

The younger one stared at him with slightly wider eyes, quite startled by his partner's blunt reply. Sure, he knew how easy it was to get on his nerves, and he was another kind of scary when he was angry but Jeje had never been that impulsive. No, actually, he was. The difference was that he was more demonstrative of his feelings for his eve. Meaning he came out of his comfort zone for him. Well, Mikuni knew he was a big introvert, and that what happened tonight had been for his sake again. The more this conversation went on the more he could feel his anger fading away. With a sigh he put his head on Jeje's shoulder, deciding he was already tired of this little act. 

-" Geez, I give up. You're too much."

Not knowing exactly how to react Jeje slowly put his arms around him as he apologized, but Mikuni had something else in mind.

-" Not yet. Your answer was only half-good. I did say you'd get a punishment every time I wasn't satisfied."

It was the servamp's turn to sigh. He was pretty sure Mikuni wasn't willing to keep on with that, but whatever. If it helped him get his frustration out.

-" Hurry up so I can take you back to bed, then."

The blonde faked glaring at him for the injunction but stopped after two seconds.

-" Your robe. Take it off."

Okay, he could understand why the bags -actually this had been pointless too- but that request made no sense.

-" Just do it. I need to go back to bed, you know?" Mikuni taunted, making him feel irritated that his words were being used against him.

He complied anyway, still not moving even when his eve started running the tip of his fingers on his body. He did quirk an eyebrow when he began inspecting his clothes, though.

-" Mikuni, what's up?" 

"I was checking for blood and injuries. I couldn't see since your clothes are all black."

Oh. So that was the reason.

-" ... You could have asked me. If I was injured, I mean."

"You could have lied just to reassure me. Well, I know you'd have healed by now anyways, but if I found blood on you, I can assure you I would have went back. To destroy him."

"There is no need. I told you, I didn't go there to fight."

"No you didn't, but my dad can be a dick and the domestics are trained-"

"Mikuni. I thought about it. Lily helped me. It's fine."

The blonde wanted to lecture him more, but he was emotionaly strained and arguing with Jeje was something he hated doing.

-" Alright, if you insist. You can put your clothes back on, but come sleeping with me. There are things we need to talk about tomorrow, until then you're not straying away from me. Ten centimeters is the maximum you're allowed to go." 

Jeje wanted to roll his eyes at his little rant because that was typically what he did when he was insecure and needed comfort. But of course being Mikuni he had to assert his authority and wouldn't just say it. Still, he also craved for his presence and felt guilty even now, so there was no way he was going to refuse. And damn the contract, he could firmly state he would have been by Mikuni's side either way. As cheesy as it was, Jeje knew they were meant to find each other.

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