Chapter 14

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After Tetsu got an hearful from Misono for calling him 'chibi', the other pairs started coming one after another. Which was convenient, it spared them the trouble to explain in details every time. Even Licht and Hyde weren't fighting, they understood the gravity of the situation so they simply sat next to the sloth pair. These four went along pretty well since they stayed at Mahiru's place. And Kuro's laziness contrasted with Greed's energy so much it actually tamed it in a way. 

All the people around the table were completly serious about helping the Aliceins, which secretly made Mikuni very happy. He felt like he didn't deserve their attention, in his opinion he had never done anything worthy of their kindness. Guess the eves were all too pure for their own good. Jeje noticed the small smile that graced his lips, as if knowing they were here for him was more than enough. So he smiled too, and made a mental note to properly thank their friends later on.

Misono wasn't as serene though, and it was made clear by the way he spoke.

-"Okay, now that everyone is here, we can explain more in detail... but first, I'd like to thank you all for coming. It's very nice of you, you didn't have to. This problem only affects our family, yet you willingly came to help. We're thankful for that."

"Wait, sorry Misono, but I have to correct you on something." Mahiru said.

"What is it Shirota?"

"Well, I don't know if I'm the only one feeling like this, but you are all family to me. So it's natural to help."

Kuro sighed but in reality he thought Mahiru was a sunshine ball, too good for this world. 

-"Yeah, you know... it's troublesome and all but Lily and Jeje are my brothers... and it's too tiresome arguing with Mahimahi."

"...Are you trying to agree with me or should I feel offended?"

"Can't deal."

Mikuni giggled, these two were funny but also cute. Licht intervened next:

-"I don't know about the family thing, some of you look demonic after all. But if the angel in training says so, it may be true. Besides, an angel like me can't ignore people in distress!" And he did the angel pose, which made Tsubaki and Tsurugi laugh while Hyde was screaming how cool Lichtan was. Though the servamp of melancholy wasn't so sure about this, he had hurt them a lot in the past so eventhough it was all good between them now, he still felt a bit uneasy. 

-"That's sweet and all, but can you really say those guys" he pointed to Tsurugi and Yumikage "and I are part of your 'family'?"

"Of course Tsubaki!" Mahiru exclaimed.

"Mahiru isn't a liar you stupid fox!" Sakuya yelled at him.

It was becoming chaotic, as one would expect from them. And Misono hadn't explained anything yet.

-"Everyone, please calm down now. They can't explain otherwise." Hugh finally said. And so they became quiet, it was amazing how Old Child could get their attention instantly.

-"Th-thanks Hugh. Actually, Mikuni should be the one talking, so... big bro, we're listening to you." 

The blonde squealed while some of them snickered:

-"Misono called me big bro! Okay, I'm super motivated now!"

"Just do it..." The younger one sank on his chair, he hadn't meant to call him that in front of their friends.

"Okay, to put it simply: you guys know I had to kill my mother because of some circumstances, right?" 

Several nods followed his question, "Lily more or less had to tell us during the battle at C3, yes. And we told Tsubaki and Sakuya on the way here." Hugh answered.

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