Chapter 3

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Jeje should have been happy that Mikuni was finally willing to let him drink his blood but it wasn't the case. He was shocked and confused, it was too sudden: why would he let him drink now of all times? It wasn't like his eve to be so impulsive, there had to be a reason. The blonde sighed seeing the servamp's internal conflict. He had expected him to jump on the occasion but apparently it wasn't that simple.

-"What are you hesitating about? I'm doing you a favor here you know." The blonde said in his 'sly and annoying' personality but there was something else behind it.

Jeje was still not moving so he concluded he would have to explain himself.

-"Look, I know it's always been complicated between us because of that incident- because of my mom's murder. But I also know that it's not something that could have been avoided. I wanted to hate you at first, but in the end I knew it wasn't your fault. If anything, it was mine. I should have anticipated she would try to kill Misono." 

Jeje was going to protest and say that no, his eve didn't do anything wrong but he was immediatly interrupted.

-"No, let me finish. I don't regret saving my brother, even if I had to kill my own mother to do so. I thought I would never be able to get over it, but coming back made me think. And I want you to know that I really appreciate all the things you did for me. It would have been easy for you to get rid of me, but you didn't. I was scared to let you drink my blood because I didn't want to be reminded of all that. I didn't want to accept the status of Eve of envy. And I know it's the same for you. You felt guilty for what happened too, and that's why we both couldn't move on. "

He walked to the servamp until he was only a few centimeters away from him and said, making direct eyecontact:

-"Let's do this together, Jeje. As real partners. Let's forgive ourselves and move on. I don't want to live in the past anymore. I don't want us to feel uneasy around each other anymore. I trust you, so please go ahead."

Jeje swallowed hard. He was trying to take in what Mikuni said. He was relieved that he was finally ready to try and live in the present but at the same time scared. It was extremly rare for him to feel that way, he was a vampire so there were very little things that could frighten him. Yet he found himself being frozen in place, not daring to do or say anything. Many thoughts were clouding his mind as he was trying to process what his eve meant. It was true that he had always felt like shit for what happened to this family, since it was his sin which had corrupted Mikuni's mother. The blonde often irked him to no end, and he would shoot at him in response most of the time. But he also knew he would never be able to hurt him and he regretted not being able to talk things through with him. He wasn't someone who talked much in the first place but considering their past it was even harder to get the words out. But there was something he was sure of. He would obey any of Mikuni's orders, even if he didn't agree with him. He wouldn't hesitate to kill for him, and he didn't want him to get hurt. Jeje cared for his eve and he was going to let him know. He extended his arm to take Mikuni's hand in his and gently pulled him forward. He put his other arm around his waist and whispered to his ear.

-"That would be great. Moving on, I mean. And... I'm glad... you talked to me about this."

He said that last part so quietly that it would have been impossible for Mikuni to hear him if he wasn't so close. He was surprised when the servamp suddenly brought him to his chest but didn't try to free himself since, as he said before, he trusted Jeje. He hugged him back and waited for him to bite and finally take his due but it never came. He looked up to see an uncertain and hesitating vampire.

-"Are you sure...about the blood?" The taller guy asked. They were both really not acting like themselves today, Mikuni noted. He only tugged at his collar in response. Jeje merely nodded before putting his head in the crook of his eve's neck. He didn't bite immediatly, he didn't want to risk hurting or scaring him. Once he made sure the blonde was ready, he gave a soft kiss to the place he was going to drink from, then pierced the skin with his fangs. Mikuni winced at the sensation but soon relaxed as it wasn't that painful. It just had been so long since last time that he had forgotten how it felt. He let Jeje drink to his heart content while enjoying their rare moment of affection. The black haired man stopped drinking after two minutes, then he licked the remaining blood off the wound. 

-"Already done?" Mikuni asked. He thought Jeje would want to take more now that he finally allowed him to. The vampire replied with a hum but didn't let go. He rather liked their proximity. Not that he would say that out loud, of course. Several minutes passed by and he was starting to wonder why his eve wasn't saying anything. He stared done at him and felt panick sprout in his chest when he saw the blonde unconscious. However, the soft and regular breathing indicated that he had just fallen asleep. 'Idiot', he thought, amused. 'Falling asleep like that isn't good.' He lifted him up and put him to bed. He covered him with a blanket and sat on the edge of the bed, watching him sleep for a while. After he made sure his eve would be alright, he quietly exited the room and went back to the livingroom. He saw Lily on the sofa, the latter looked like he was sewing or something. 

-"What are you doing?" He asked the other male. 

Lily greeted him with a big and cheerful smile and exclaimed:

-"Oh, Jeje! I'm fixing the children's clothes, Misono is currently playing with them. And Mikuni isn't with you?"

"He fell asleep." the servamp of envy simply replied. He understood the other vampire's surprise, the blonde and him were never too far away from each other. Because of the distance limitation, and because they were used to each other's presence. Lily smiled fondly at his brother. He and Mikuni were starting to change for the better, and it also seemed it was easier for them to interact now.

-"Well then, would you mind helping me ? It seems our eves won't be back before some time." He suggested. 

Jeje silently obliged and took a shirt from the pile of clothes. It wouldn't hurt to spend some time with Lily.

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