Chapter 19

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Mikuni was almost running to the living room where he left his brother and his partner. Not that Mikado would chase after him, of that he was convinced, but the storm of emotions raging inside of him made him speed up and he got to them pretty quickly. In fact, he was so overwhelmed he couldn't manage to hide those feelings. That meant he entered the room without noticing, and now the three people in front of him definitly knew things got bad just by looking at his expression. That spared him the need to explain, which was fortunate because he clearly was sick of all this and God knew what outrageous words might have slipped from his mouth. It was one of those rare moments during which he was dead quiet, but it was never good. Either he was thinking about something rather serious, or in the present case, he was experiencing cold anger.

The sight of his eve looking like this made Jeje's blood boil, though he couldn't tell if it was also from anger or worse. Lily noticed his dark aura was starting to leak out so he hastily thought about something to say.

-"Um, I brought Abel, Jeje said it was important to you...  she would be lonely without you to keep her company."

Mikuni nodded absent mindedly, his doll was still precious to him but it wasn't his top priority. Jeje however cooled down a bit, at least enough to stay rational. That was another matter for Misono who looked really pale and was as quiet as his brother. The boy realised what it implied for Mikuni to be dejected like that and it saddened him. He knew they wouldn't live together all their life but he certainly didn't want this to be the reason for his departure. 

-"So... it actually went that bad? What... what did dad tell you?" He was on the verge of crying, but somehow the tears wouldn't flow. And it was better like this, the last thing he wanted was for Mikuni to feel guilty. He thought it was unfair, and he would go talk to Mikado himself later, when no one would prevent him to.

Lily became uneasy at his eve's question, it wasn't very wise with Jeje ready to snap at any time. He had no idea where he should look because of the tension surrounding them and he was debating whether he should try to ease things out or not. Plus if the envy pair was planning to leave they should hurry up.

Mikuni was all too aware of Misono's distress, and so he acted like the big brother he aspired to be.

-"It's fine. We did argue, but he can't force me into anything now. And... I made my own decision. I told him I wouldn't give up on the things I love. The rest has always depended of me. It's okay because I know you won't hate me this time. That's why I wasn't worried. We'll see each other outside of this house, alright? And let's face it, I'm not he kind of person who can live in the same place forever." He said, smiling. 

Jeje forgot all his previous spite to stare lovinly at this precious boy. Understand him well, he was the first one to attest that Mikuni wasn't fundamentally good. He wasn't exactly what people called 'pure', but sometimes he did things like this and it made his heart jump. Which brought him back to reality, and he turned to Lily.

-" You said you've prepared the strict necessary plus Abel? We've got to go." 

Lily nodded, "Yes, you're right. I'm sorry Misono, but we'll have to say good bye for now. Don't be sad, you both have cellphones right? You can text each other whenever you want."

"Yeah, I know... take care, you two." The boy told Mikuni and Jeje.

The blonde smiled, hugged Misono and ran away with Jeje, their package in hand. He briefly recalled Mahiru and Tetsu invinting them to come at their houses in case they ended up in a situation like this, but he didn't feel like seeing anyone other than Jeje at the moment. They started walking down the streets, Jeje following his eve as usual. Mikuni was walking fast, a sign that he wasn't doing so well. 'He played the tough guy in front of Misono again...' Jeje thought. And it was beginning to rain, just great.  As if this day hadn't been bad enough already. 

Soon their clothes were soaked and the air's coldness didn't make things any better. Jeje was starting to worry about Mikuni as the blonde kept moving on as if he didn't even feel the rain falling down on him, nor did he seem to mind the chilly wind. It was troublesome, though, since he remained a fragile human despite his strong mind and will-power and could very well get sick.

-"Mikuni." No answer. Jeje repeated his name three more times but his eve was unresponsive. So the vampire grabbed his arm to get his attention.

-"Mikuni." His partner stopped in his tracks when he felt his hand on his wrist, and he turned to him. However, Jeje hadn't expected to see tears dropping one by one from his eyes. Of course he had  cried several times in his life but it always made Jeje's stomach twist as he hated seeing him so distressed. And the tears were totally noticeable eventhough they were both already drenched.

-"S-sorry Jeje. I was thinking and... " it was hard to talk, and the taller one pulled him in his arms, to comfort him at first but also to shield him from the terrible weather.

-"It's okay... but we need to move, you're going to catch a cold at this rate. And also... I'm here so please don't cry."

Paradoxally, it made Mikuni sob even more, and he buried his face in Jeje's clothes. 

-"I'm sorry... I don't want to be with anybody right now. Can we go to the shop?"

'Oh right, we also have a room there.' Jeje recalled.

-"Wherever you want. But it's pretty far from here, and we won't find any transport at this hour. Mind if I carry you?" He asked. Mikuni shook his head.

Jeje was actually glad the blonde was so worn out because he was way less stubborn and he could take care of him more easily. He lifted him in his arms, their luggage on his back, and used his vampiric speed and strenght to get to the shop the faster he could.

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