Chapter 9

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Mikuni was in a very good mood this morning. He got to cuddle with Jeje all night and the latter even gave him a good night kiss. He was pretty sure it was going to be a great day, one he could spend with all the people he cared the most about since his father had apparently nothing much to do. According to the man, he was done with most of his paperwork and would be able to take a break during the afternoon. So Mikuni was currently smiling like a happy child, and it was so bright that even Lily commented on it.

"-Oh my, Mikuni. You seem to be in a good mood today. I wonder what the reason could be." He said but also smiled knowingly. It was quite obvious for the servamp of lust what might have happened between the blonde and his partner.

-"It's nothing much, Lily! I'm just so glad because Jeje has been so sweet to me lately." 

Naturally the poor snake blushed at those words and tried to hide as best as he could, but it was pointless since he was on his usual and favorite spot which was Mikuni's shoulders. 

"-Don't hide, Jeje! You know I love it when you hug me and all~ you even whispered such kind words to my ears-"


The blonde ran out of the room when his now lover turned back in his human form and took out his guns. Just because they were dating didn't mean they would change their habits, after all. Misono came for breakfast after he heard all the shouting from his room and wasn't pleased to see that his brother was acting more childish than Lily's subclasses. And they were all kids, for God's sake. So of course Mikuni got scolded for screaming this early in the morning and complained that it wasn't fair, as it was Jeje who pointed his guns at him. Misono wasn't bothered and said that if the servamp had really meant to kill him, it would already be done considering how annoying the eve was. Mikuni took a fake hurt expression and started complaining again. 

They ate breakfast ten minutes later, and even Mikado was sitting with them at the table. That made his sons happy but the man made Jeje uncomfortable for some reason. As if he was up to something and it would mean trouble for them. It was also suspicious in itself that he spent so much time in his office doing work instead of spending it with his sons. Especially Mikuni who had just come back. There again, it might just be Jeje overthinking things. That or he was way too protective towards his eve.

-"By the way, dad. What were you doing those last few days? We barely saw you at all. I find it strange that you were so occupied, you usually are never late with paperwork." Misono said all of a sudden. It was polite yet direct and everyone was taken aback. Jeje couldn't help but think that he might have noticed too. That would mean it wasn't just him imagining things. And if Misono noticed, there was a very high chance that Mikuni did, too. Mikado remained calm and composed as he answered his youngest son.

-" I had to inform the Cambridges of Mikuni's return. You remember them, right? They have been living in England those past few years for business purpose. But our family and theirs have always been in good terms, and this before I had even inherited of this house. And since they knew about that funest event, I thought I'd be considerate enough to keep them informed."

The explanation in itself seemed logical but something was still bugging Misono. If his dad was in so good terms with them, then how come he hadn't heard about this family for so long? He could barely recall their faces and if the man hadn't mentionned them living in England, he would probably never have guessed who he was talking about. There was something spooky about this whole matter, and Misono couldn't help but think it was going to be nothing but a pain for everyone in this mansion.

-"So you're trying to say that you spent that much time locked in your office just because you were arranging a meeting with them?" 

It was Mikuni who asked this time, and Jeje thought that he might just have understood everything. As expected from his eve but judging from his expression and the seriousness in his voice, it wasn't too good.

-"I have indeed arranged a meeting with them, and it wasn't simple because they had to finish some business before coming back in Japan. Mikuni, as my eldest son, I taught you the basics on how to run a family, right?"

"Yes you did but I don't quite get what it has to do with our previous discussion."

"I am the one who has inherited of this house but that doesn't mean I could cover all of the expenses by myself. Actually, your mother's family covered about one quarter of it. But after she died, they predictably stopped paying for our family. Well, that wasn't really a problem since we had made more money during the time we were married. The real problem is that I borrowed quite a lot from the Cambridges so I could buy her parent's silence."

"Wait," Mikuni said, " what do you mean 'buy their silence?" I thought you told everybody she was killed by a burglar?"

"That's what I did. But they already knew I had cheated on her and were also aware of the changes in her personality. They figured out what had really happened, so I-"

" So you borrowed money to a family even richer than ours in order to hide your dirty little secret from the rest of the world. That's brilliant, dad."

Mikuni's eyes turned cold as he said that, and eventhough he was doing his best to keep calm, it was clear he was angry. And Misono was, too. Plus he was almost certain Lily also knew about this but hid it away from him. Jeje wasn't pissed yet, but he was ready to grab the strict necessary and leave with his eve again if that could spare him trouble. Guilt started to rise inside of him when Mikuni's mother was mentionned but that's not what he was worried about.

Seeing how Mikuni was glaring at him Mikado got up from his chair and so did his son. 

"-It seems we have to talk in private. Please excuse us." 

They both exited the room, the tension still palpable even after the door shut behind them. Jeje wanted nothing more than to follow them, to be there for his eve. But he had this gut feeling that told him it would do no good. So he waited with the lust pair, and the three of them remained awfully quiet.

Mikuni followed his father in his office and immediatly got scolded for being insolent.

"-What do you think you're playing at, talking like this and questioning my decisions ? I let you come back here after what you did and that's how you show gratitude?"

"I thought you had forgiven me for that, or were those words nothing more than lies too ?"

"Don't change the subject. I meant what I said, but we both have our share of responsibilities in this matter. It's because you took such drastic mesures that I had to borrow this money."

"And it's because you cheated on mom that she became like this."

Mikuni wasn't backing off either, so Mikado said the one thing he should never have said:

-" Do you really think I'm the only one at fault here? Don't you think that servamp of yours is also responsible for her becoming crazy? It's his sin that corrupted her !"

If Mikuni was angry before, it was nothing compared to what he felt right now.

-" How dare you put the blame on him?! He's not responsible! Mom is the one who let herself be corrupted. If anything, you should be thankful towards him. He helped me save Misono and always stayed by my side. He's the reason I'm still here today! Don't talk shit about him!"

He felt better after saying all that but the problem still wasn't solved. As Mikado mentionned before, Mikuni knew how it worked between rich families. And although it could seem old fashioned nowadays, he could pretty much guess how his father was planning to pay these people back.

-"Alright, Mikuni. Since you do have a point, I'm ready to put aside my hatred and disgust towards him. On one condition."

The blonde furrowed his brows but let him finish, as he didn't wish to put him in an even worse mood.

-"You can keep him by your side on the condition that you'll marry the Cambridges' eldest daughter, Erina. That way we can repay our debt to them and I will fully trust you again. You will have to meet her anyways so I will let you some time to decide. If it's still not fine by you, feel free to leave again. But don't ever think about coming back if  you do."

Mikuni had woken up in a very good mood this morning. But somehow things were never simple. And eventhough he was usually level-headed, he honestly had no idea how to deal with this, and it scared him. Now, how was he going to get out of this mess?

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