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They were all standing in a very spacious and white room where only shattered glass and some stains of blood from the previous battle could be seen. Tsubaki had finally surrendered after the Servamps and Eves ( mainly the sloth pair ) beat some sense into him. Well they really tried to use the pacific method and solve this conflict with words only, but the servamp of Melancholy was stubborn so in the end they had to put up a fight. 

Still, they were somehow able to convince him to stop, and that it was foolish to fight. Tsubaki truly gave in when the other servamps promised to treat him like their little brother now that they understood his circumstances. Kuro also apologized for killing the creator and it was clear to everyone in the room that he meant every word. Mahiru was proud of his partner for that, he could see how much he changed and he was glad Kuro found the strenght to move on.

Since the C3 was now on their side too, Johannes could pursue his research on how to give back their powers to Hyde, Lily and Hugh. Their eves actually had to enter their minds in order to talk to their "true self" so they could reform a stronger bond. Lawless was now even more clingy and kept hugging Licht at random times. The latter surprisingly didn't seem to mind, in fact it was quite the opposite.

Hugh and Lily were also back to their usual selves, which made their partners really happy and relieved. However, something was bothering Misono: he still hadn't talked to Mikuni about the... painful event which occured many years ago. He only learnt recently why his older brother did such a terrible thing, but at least he could now have a real discussion with him. He was ready to forgive Mikuni.

That's why he didn't hesitate to walk in his direction. He didn't hesitate to ask him if they could talk in private, either. Hesitations weren't needed anymore. Mikuni was taken aback at first but soon followed after his brother. Jeje, who remained silent until then, was going to ask what was going on when Lily put a hand on his shoulder. He smiled to the tall vampire in a reassuring manner and Jeje instantly understood. He was still worried, though, he knew it was difficult for Mikuni to talk about that event. He was the one who had to comfort him after every nightmare during all those years.

The two brothers chose to go in the next room. They didn't want to be interrupted, and it was something they wanted to discuss seriously. The atmosphere around them felt heavy, they could both feel the tension emanating from each other. Misono was the first to talk.

-"You...know what I want to talk about, right ?"

Of course he knew. He just wasn't sure he would be able to remain calm and composed. He didn't want to mess up and lose his only opportunity to reconciliate with his dear little brother. 

-" Yes..."

"Then I will be direct. First of all, I understand why you did what you did and I want you to know that I don't resent you anymore. Well, actually... I think I never really resented you... I was just angry. And frustrated. Because I could't figure out why you killed your mother. But also... I was upset because you looked so sad and so scared that night. Lily always kept it a secret from me, but when I was finally allowed to learn the truth, I thought I had to tell you this: I forgive you, Mikuni. So please stop blaming yourself. Dad also wants you to come back."

The blonde was speechless. He was feeling all sorts of contradictory emotions. He was relieved but at the same time anxious, happy but scared. Scared that he might have misunderstood , scared to say something that would ruin everything. He kept staring at Misono with his mouth slightly open in schock, frozen in place. The youngest of the two noticed this but he didn't know what to do next. He briefly considered snapping at him but he knew it wouldn't help in this situation. So he did the only other thing he could think about: he hugged him. And that's when Mikuni broke. He let out all the tears he had kept bottled up. He was shaking, and he probably looked pathetic right now but he didn't care. Misono accepted him. He forgave him, and he was willing to live with him as a family again. Once he let all the tears flow he realised that his younger brother had also been crying. They stared at each other and Mikuni chuckled.

-"My, look at us. Our servamps are going to wonder what happened. I can hear Lily's worried voice from here.

Misono rolled his eyes before saying "I see you are back to your old annoying self"

"That's mean little bro!" Mikuni exclaimed while looking offended. 

They both laughed before deciding it was time to go back to the others. It had been a while already and they were really going to worry. All the servamps and eves stopped whatever they were doing when they entered the room, which made them a bit uneasy. Mikuni just decided to play it cool like usual and said:

"Sorry for the wait, my cute little bro and I had some important matter to discuss. Right Abel?"

He then started to play with his doll which made some of them sweatdrop. Mahiru then asked:

"Does that mean everything is solved between you guys then?" He asked that with a bright smile on his face. The two Aliceins looked at each other before returning his smile. Both Lily and Jeje were really glad then, although the latter wasn't showing it. His relationship with his Eve had never been easy because of the reason for their contract but hopefully that would change now.

-"But man I'm tireeeed. And hungry." Hyde said all of a sudden. This resulted in him getting hit by Licht for being noisy and irritating. 

Misono then suggested that they all go eat somewhere and go home after. They all agreed, and Mikuni smiled since he finally had a home to return to.

That's all for the prologue! I think I will start writing the first chapter tomorrow, I have a few ideas and I more or less know how I want to develop this story. This is my first though, so I'm sorry if it's not very good. I also apologize for any grammatical mistake, English isn't my native language ( I'm French ) . That's all, thank you  for reading!

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