Chapter 4

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It had been two weeks since Mikuni and Jeje came back. Everything was slowly returning the way it was before, the two brothers would play games in the afternoon and when the time would come for Misono to do his homework, the blonde would either talk with Lily and Jeje or play with the children. Surprisingly enough, they never questioned him too much on where he had been this whole time and what he had been doing. They were happy just listening to him talking about random things, and Mikuni made them laugh by listing all the pranks he played on Jeje. Said vampire wasn't amused. 

They also thought about closing the shop but the blonde said it would be a waste, and that he would just open it when Misono was at school, like a part-time job. He didn't want to stay home doing nothing of his days, eventhough everyone told him it was fine. Jeje for his part just complied to whatever his eve said. Besides, he could make bottled ships which was kind of a hobby to him. 

So everything was going well in the Alicein household except from the fact that Mikado wasn't at home very often because of "family affairs", as he said. But it wasn't much of a problem for the others since they were used to it and Mikuni wasn't that comfortable around him. They still needed some time to adjust to their new situation, it seemed. Anyways, the servamps and eves were having dinner when Misono brought something up. 

-"Hey, I was thinking. How about we throw a party and invite the other pairs? It's been a while since we last saw them and it was after the war against Tsubaki. It would be nice to see each others for something else than battle. " 

"Oh, great idea Misono!" Lily exclaimed, " I'm so proud of you for suggesting that, you always act like a tsundere-"

"Shut up Lily!" The teen yelled at him, visibly embarassed by the vampire's comment. Mikuni chimed in, feeling like teasing his cute and blushing brother.

"But he is right though, Misono! It's so unexpected of you to suggest something like a party, I mean, you're shy and all-"

"YOU TOO, SHUT YOUR MOUTH !" Now he was really annoyed. 

Jeje sighed at them but he was admittedly amused. Seeing his eve laugh like this was satisfying and he briefly felt flutters in his stomach. It was a strange but not displeasing feeling, and he found himself unable to put a name on it. He was pulled out of his reflexion when more yelling erupted in the room. 

-"Why the hell would you want to invite this bastard Tsurugi, little brother ?!"

'Ah. This is going to be troublesome...' the servamp of envy thought. He knew how the C3's hound dog ( well at least he wasn't being used by Touma anymore) and his eve acted around each other. Incessant banter and death threats, that was it. 'Why did Misono have to bring him up, ugh.'

-" Oh come on, Mikuni. Don't you think it's about time you two start interacting normally ? Besides, you agreed that we invite the Melancholy team, why not the C3? Well except for  Touma of course. I can't forgive this bastard." Misono tried to reason his brother. However, his efforts went to waste as Mikuni seemed to have already set his mind.

"Forget it, I'm not going to see him even if you're the one to ask. We could never understand each other anyway. " he declared before leaving the room. 

The lust pair sat there dumbfounded while Jeje stared in the void, thinking hard. It wasn't new that Mikuni and Tsurugi didn't get along but his eve's reaction was excessive, even to him. And it wasn't that bad when they worked together. Sure Mikuni was opposed to his methods and often said he found him disgusting but he was also worried when he got hurt. That's why he didn't understand how the two men's relationship had deteriorated that much. 'Something must have happened, but what?' Jeje was always with his eve, surely he would know if anything serious happened. 'Well it won't help to stay here'. He stood up and quietly apologized to the other two before going to his eve's room.

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