Chapter 10

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Mikuni was fuming with rage when he exited his father's office. He just couldn't believe how much of a coward this man was. Who was shameless enough to borrow money from people who weren't even involved, and then tell his own son he would have to marry a girl he could barely remember to make up for his mistakes ? And the worst was that his dad thought all of this was perfectly normal. It was so unfair, why was it that Mikuni was always the one who suffered the consequences ? But in the blonde's opinion, it wasn't like he was the only one to suffer. Misono also had to deal with a lot of sad things because of them. Though he didn't feel any resentment towards his brother anymore.

Anyways, Mikuni had to calm down. He couldn't go back to the livingroom in this state, he didn't want to make the others worry. He was good at hiding his emotions but somehow he had the feeling that it had become a bit harder lately. Maybe because he was more carefree since he had come back home. He didn't need to always be on his guard when he was here. Or so he thought, but it actually looked like he would have to be wary, at least around his father. He wasn't planning to tell Jeje about all this, as the servamp would probably try to help him. The eve of envy could deal with this problem by himself, he didn't want his partner to fret over the slightest thing that happened to him. He was sure that if Jeje learnt about his father's scheme, the vampire would do something reckless out of anger. He wanted to avoid confrontation, that's why he was going to take the matter in his own hands.

He took a deep breath and put on his most beautiful fake smile, then he pushed the door to the livingroom open. As expected, the lust pair and Jeje were looking at him with anxiety, waiting for him to talk. Lily and Misono were relieved to see him smile but obviously Jeje wasn't fooled. Mikuni sat back on his chair next to his servamp and squeezed his hand under the table. Mikado also entered the room and this time everyone tensed, but the man simply went back to his sit like Mikuni did. The other three didn't dare break the silence, as they didn't want to upset them. Seeing they were both acting like usual, they tried to relax and finish eating their breakfast. It would be wiser to question Mikuni later, when the other man won't be around. 

Lily was thinking about something to say to lighten the mood but he feared it would only make things worse. Misono got tired of this silence and said what was in his mind.

-"Look, I think it's been hard on everybody here... but it's over now, and we already sorted everything out. So it would be very nice if this cursed event didn't damage our lives any further. I personally don't think it was anyone's fault, and now that I know the truth, I was able to forgive Mikuni but also you, dad. I don't know what you two were talking about but I don't want us to stay trapped in the past. So whatever is going on, I don't want us to argue. As for dad's decision to borrow money from this family, I'm not sure whether it was the good choice or not, but surely we can do something about it. "

Hearing this made Mikuni happy and proud of his brother, he really had matured a lot. He felt like he could always talk to him if he didn't manage to solve the problem on his own. 

"-Misono is right, there is nothing to worry about. I also think we should work on this together, as a family. " 

It sounded wrong even to his ears but it was the only way to reassure the servamps and avoid conflict. He would only ask for help as a last resort. He still believed he could bring his dad to change his mind, he just had to play it cool and meet with this woman, then explain to him he could never marry her. Not that it would be easy. They finished eating and Misono asked to talk with his father, it was pretty obvious what he wanted to talk about but Mikado agreed nonetheless. Jeje took this opportunity to grab his eve's arm and drag him to their room. It seemed they both thought there was something suspicious about the two men's attitude, and Mikuni would have to be as cunning as ever to convince his servamp.

Said vampire was quick to close the door behind them and push the blonde against it. Mikuni chuckled nervously, knowing very well he couldn't get away from his grasp and that Jeje would see through all his lies.

-"What was that earlier?" Jeje asked and Mikuni knew he was screwed.

"Ah, nothing much, really... dad scolded me for being an insolent jerk and we talked about the meeting with the Cambridges. "

"And?" Jeje was frowning under his bags, Mikuni wasn't telling him everything and it was starting to annoy him. He knew he could be intimidating, even to the blonde. He was going to get the words out of him, no matter how.

-"I know this isn't all. You're not the type who shows his emotions easily, but it was clear you were angry at him before going to his office. Don't think you can trick me with a smile. What did he tell you?"

This was seriously bad. Mikuni had forgotten how perceptive his partner could be, especially when it came to him. At this rate he was going to tell him everything. He needed to come up with something, quickly.

" Their daughter, Erina, is going to visit in order to settle this 'money problem'... and dad wants me to deal with it since I'm his eldest son, and he sees this as an opportunity for me to gain back his trust. "

"And that's what made you so upset?" 

Mikuni raised his head and could see how much Jeje worried about him. He felt really bad for hiding things away from him but he still feared the vampire would get mad for his sake. He wasn't sure what to do.

-"I... love you, Jeje. I can't do without you. And I don't want you to think I don't trust you, really, but... " he felt tears coming in his eyes before he could stop them, and it became hard to speak. Jeje cupped his face and kissed him softly, then whispered:

-"It's going to be okay. Go on, I won't do anything unless you tell me otherwise. I won't hurt him unless you want me to. But tell me what's wrong, Mikuni. Please."

The eve was definitly crying now but he wasn't scared anymore. Jeje just cared so much about him, he couldn't hold the words back.

-"Dad promised the Cambridges I would marry their daughter, as payback for their help. That would technically cancel our debt to them, too. But of course I would never agree to that, because I... J-Jeje, I-"

"Yeah, me too. I love you the most, too." He licked the tears away, making Mikuni blush like crazy, the servamp's tongue felt like it could burn his skin. He kissed his eyelids, his hands travelling up from his cheeks to his ears and Mikuni let out a noise. It wasn't exactly a scream, more like a yelp, except that he wasn't in pain, and Jeje knew he had found a sensitive spot. He started stroking and caressing this area of the blonde's anatomy, making him blush even more as he tried to tell him to stop. It was far from unpleasant but kinda embarassing and he didn't want to make even more noise as Jeje kept touching his face. He finally decided not to think anymore and let the servamp give him the attention he needed.

-"Jeje... k-kiss me, p-please." It was rare for him to say 'please' but the circumstances were particular. Jeje didn't mind the change of attitude at all and more than willingly obliged.

-"Of course," he said before pressing his lips against his eve's. They were both enjoying it but were greedy for more, and the taller one realised they had only ever kissed without tongue. It was only natural, though, since he was usually not interested in those kind of things and they had been dating for a few days only. But they were adults, and both men, so they also had this kind of desire. And Jeje wasn't the patient type, either. He licked Mikuni's lower lip, asking for permission, while placing his hands on his back to bring him even closer. The blonde was a bit surprised but parted his lips slightly, allowing his servamp to keep going. They kissed passionately like that for several minutes, sometimes pulling away just enough to catch their breaths. The room was starting to feel really hot, and Jeje had to look away from Mikuni before going too far. It wasn't that he didn't want to go further, but he didn't want to risk hurting his lover by letting his emotions and instincts dominate him. And looking at his face right now would most definitly make him lose control.

Mikuni was quiet, simply enjoying Jeje's presence and trying to process what had just happened. He had dreamt of kissing his servamp like this for months, if not years. And more importantly, he was glad he could rely on him. He felt stupid for getting scared earlier because really, his partner would never do something that could make him sad. He smiled and let Jeje hug him one more time, thinking he was lucky in the end.

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