Chapter 8

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Jeje and Mikuni went back inside of the mansion and heard two voices. At first they sounded like they were arguing but it wasn't the case. One of the voices sounded worried and the envy pair recognized it as Lily's. The other was undoubtedly Misono's, who was most likely trying to calm him down and understand what was going on. Mikuni who had absolutely no idea why the servamp of lust could seem so anxious gave a questioning look to Jeje. The latter sweatdropped when he realised he had indeed left his younger brother hastily and without and explanation.

-"Well, you see... I felt you were in trouble so I rushed to your help... without saying a word to Lily." He explained.

The blonde blinked, then sighed and chuckled. It was so like Jeje to react like this. Though that's not what people would believe at first glance. Sometimes he looked more like a serial killer, even to Mikuni. But deep down he cared a lot, and he had already proven it many times in the past. The eve sighed one more time and declared:

-"Ah, in that case we should go and reassure them... before they decide to send all the domestics to search after us."

Jeje cringed at the idea and quickly nodded. They walked in the room where the lust pair was, and said duo stopped talking and arguing when they noticed them. Lily looked relieved to see them and immediatly asked what happened. Mikuni spared his servamp the trouble to answer and said in a cheerful voice:

-" Nothing much, I just wanted to take my diary back but I got stucked in the attic when the wind made the door slam. Jeje probably got a bad feeling and thought I was being attacked or something, hehe." He tried to joke but Jeje threw him a glance that said 'don't do dumb shit like that or you will hear of me'. Mikuni laughed nervously before turning back his attention on the other pair. They didn't press the matter any further but Misono still found it appropriate to lecture his brother, even though it should have been the other way around.

So after the blonde had properly apologized for about ten times, the four men thought it would be a good idea to sit down and do something calm and not risky. Mikuni hadn't even retrieved his damn diary in the end but they all promised to search for it later. They picked a movie from the shelves and sat on the couch, Mikuni put Abel on his lap so she could watch it too. Sometimes the other three had to wonder what was going through his mind.

Jeje turned into a snake and took his usual spot on the eve's shoulders. One, because he felt more comfortable in that form and two, because there was no way this stupid doll would have all of the blonde's attention. He felt kind of silly for getting jealous of 'this thing', as he liked to call it, but he couldn't help it. He was the sin of envy, after all. And that doll just happened to test him a lot. Maybe he should tell this to Mikuni but at the same time he felt that said boy would tease him to no end if he knew.

The movie was admittedly not very good, except maybe for some rare scenes. Lily was apparently the only one who truly enjoyed it, Misono had fallen asleep after an hour of cheesy pick-up lines and senseless discussions. Mikuni was still watching but was far from captivated and he regularly stroked Jeje's head. Had he been a cat, the servamp would have purred in satisfaction. It wasn't uncommon for them to show affection or at least concern for each other, but Jeje was loving this moment more than all the previous ones.

He couldn't do much in this form so he simply rubbed his head against his partner's cheek. Mikuni smiled at him and he wished they could kiss right now. Just as he thought that the blonde gave him a small peck on top of the head. Jeje inwardly blushed, thank god it was unnoticeable with his dark color. He thought he heard Lily chuckle fondly but didn't really pay mind to it. It wasn't like he didn't know for them, and since his sin was lust, a kiss was certainly not much to him.

After twenty more minutes the movie finally ended, Misono was still sleeping and Lily wanted to spend some time with his subclasses so the envy pair went in Mikuni's room. He shut the door behind him and was about to speak when Jeje pressed his lips against his. He let out a surprised noise but kissed back. When the taller man pulled away he looked very flustered but also pretty eager.

-"Wow, Jeje." Mikuni said, " I never knew you could be this bold." He smirked deviously at the last part but that didn't stop the servamp.

"Yeah, well... you kissed me first, remember?"

The blonde honestly had nothing to retort to that so he just smiled and let his now boyfriend do as he pleased. They didn't count the kisses and pecks but it went on like this until Lily called them for dinner. The realization made them both blush like crazy, and Jeje thought that he was indeed not acting like himself at all. He guessed that was perhaps what love did to people.






Sorry for the long wait, but at least my exams are done and I could fully focus on this chapter. I wanted to write something fluffy before things get, let's say... somewhat chaotic. But hey, it's in the title so no surprise I guess. By the way, things will also get more heated between Jeje and Mikuni from now on so I will classify this story as an 'adult' one. I will warn you beforehand when I write the actual lemon, though. I hope this chapter wasn't too bad, and thank you for reading.

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