Chapter 13

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It was the day of the meeting, both the lust pair and the envy pair were waiting for their guests in the living room. Misono looked irritated as he was staring at nothing in particular, he was probably thinking about his father and wasn't saying anything either. Even Lily had lost his usual cheerfulness and wasn't trying to lighten the mood. He had been a servamp of the Aliceins for years but that didn't mean Mikado would take his opinion in consideration. This man almost never listened to his own children and thought his decisions were always the best. Which was wrong, history had proven that. He wasn't a bad person and they all knew this, that's why it was so hard to go against him. If he had been fundamentally bad, they would have felt no remorse fighting him. But eventhough he went too far with this arrangement, Misono knew he loved Mikuni. He could understand why their dad resented Jeje at first but even he should be able to see the vampire is a good person. Plus this whole thing was unfair for Mikuni. It wasn't like he had a choice back then.

Surprisingly, the blonde was the least preoccupied of the four. He was sitting next to his partner and hugging his Abel like he always did in his child like personality. Or maybe he was just acting calm and composed while panicking in the inside, but that wasn't likely. Perhaps it was because he wasn't alone then. At least that was what Misono thought. If it had been him, he would have been glad for the support his brother received. His phone buzzed in his pocket, when he looked at the screen he saw Tetsu had sent him a text. 'Hi chibi, Hugh and I will be there in twenty minutes or so.' That's what he wrote. Misono was pissed at the nickname, he wasn't that short damn it. This guy was simply too tall for a middle schooler. Lily noticed his eve's angered expression and asked him:

-"What's wrong, Misono? Could it be that some of them won't be coming?"

But the teen shook his head.

"That's not it. Sendagaya just told me he and the servamp of pride would be here soon. The problem is that this guy dared call me a 'chibi' again, when will he learn respect? I'm older than him."

Lily and Mikuni couldn't help but laugh, Misono was short for his age, that was a fact. It was just too funny seeing him get angry for this. Moreover, Tetsu was a nice kid and their friend so he would never do it to annoy him. The nickname was just affectuous, nothing more.

-"Come on now Misono. You shouldn't get mad for a nickname, especially when it's your friend who calls you that. Besides, he isn't wrong." Mikuni said with a wink at the end. Of course he had to tease him too.

"If you want me to punch you in the face right before our friends arrive, just say so!" 

And that's how they got into a fierce battle, Misono cushions in hands, chasing his older brother who currently looked like a kindergartener. Their servamps just watched them have fun, they had noticed Mikuni did it on purpose. He was trying to distract his brother, how sweet of him. Their little banter was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. Lily checked the time, it hadn't been twenty minutes since Tetsu sent the text. He went to open the door and was greeted by two of the C3 members, Tsurugi and Yumikage. 

-"Hello Servamp of lust! Are Jeje-chan and Kuni-chan here? I was surprised when he texted me all of a sudden, that's so not like him. Hope these two didn't get into any trouble... unless Kuni-chan actually missed me, oh my, he can be cute when he wants-"

"Jeez Tsurugi let the guy talk would you. I swear you're way too talkative sometimes. Sorry about that Lust." Yumikage had to interfere because Tsurugi would never have shut up otherwise.

Lily replied with his usual polite smile :

-"No problem. I'm glad you two agreed to come. Please follow me to the livingroom."

As soon as they entered said room, Tsurugi ran to the envy pair and started talking to them in a tone of voice he knew would annoy them. Their relationship truly was weird.

-"Hi Kuni-chan, Jeje-chan! How come you guys called me over, that sure is unexpected~ I knew your brother was a tsundere but I didn't think you were one too Mikuni. So what, you wanted to have some fun with me like old times?"

As expected, Mikuni got annoyed real quick while Jeje was trying to refrain from taking his guns. Not that he would shoot them but it always managed to calm them down. Instead of playing Tsurugi's game and insulting him, Mikuni sighed and replied as calmly as he could.

-" Unfortunately for you, I didn't call you here to have fun, whatever you mean by this. I actually made a quick recap in the text I sent you but I figure you were too lazy to read all of it."

"Eh, no way! I'm not that lazy... Yumi-chan, there was a recap?" 

His partner mentally face-palmed at the question, he should have known it would turn out like this.

-"Yes, Tsurugi, there was one. Though I'm not surprised, you barely paid attention to your work lately so of course you wouldn't notice that. I will explain because I pity those poor guys, so try to focus okay?"

" Yay, thank you Yumi-chan!"

So Yumikage explained everything Mikuni had said again. Tsurugi was listening intently for once, even he could be serious in some situations. He was a bit surprised when he heard about the arranged mariage but he waited until the explanations were done. Once it was the case he simply said:

-"Oh well, no need to fret. I can already tell this wedding won't happen."

"Oh and why is that Tsurugi?" Lily asked.

"Well, for one thing, nobody can compel Mikuni to do something he hasn't decided to do. And for another... " he smirked " he's always been hella gay for Jeje-chan. Well, ever since I have known them at least."

Everyone in the room gasped, not because they weren't aware of the relationship between the two but because Tsurugi had the guts to state it out loud. Plus even Jeje himself didn't know Mikuni had loved him for that long. If it was true. Judging by the blonde's crimson face, that might have been the case. Jeje's brain could as well stop functioning right now. Mikuni tried to defend himself but it was hopeless as he was stuttering a lot, which was unbelievable coming from him.

-" W-w-what are you t-talking about? I never did or said anything that could make you think that, did I?" 

"Oh please Kuni-chan," Tsurugi chuckled "you were so obvious it hurt to watch. Like, when we talked once while he was in the shower. I asked you if you two got along well and you said you didn't know, you looked really sad as you said it. And you used to stare at him a lot when he wasn't paying attention. Oh and also, you said you liked teasing him so much because at least he paid attention to you that way. Yep, you were totally acting like a schoolgirl in love. The best part is that Jeje was as obvious as you but neither of you noticed the other's feelings."

Mikuni could no longer reply and Jeje wanted to bury himself wherever he could, as long as it was far away from here. However, they heard a knock on the door that put an end to their 'discussion'.

-"It must be Sendagaya this time, so... I will go open the door." Misono declared, he looked embarassed for his brother who seemed ready to faint. At least the other servamps and eves weren't here when Tsurugi revealed all this stuff, Jeje would definitely have pulled his guns out. If he hadn't died of a heart-attack first.

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