Chapter 22

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-------I'm warning just in case but this chapter will mostly be lemon-------

Jeje squeezed the sheets at each side of Mikuni's head. The latter had voluntary put them in this specific position and he had no idea how to process it. His eve and lover was staring at him with something he identified as desire, which made him happy like he had never been in his long life. And despite this, it also scared Doubt Doubt. Because he wanted him, too. Wanted him so bad. And he didn't trust himself to go easy on him and feared he would hurt his most precious person.

-"Jeje..." Mikuni repeated, his hand brushing the vampire's hair. "Do you want it too?"

The taller male gulped, he couldn't lie to Mikuni and without his bags his eve could clearly see everything going on in his mind.

-"I... love you. That won't ever change. I just... what if I hurt you?"

A tender smile crossed Mikuni's lips as he stroked his cheek.

-"If there is someone I'm sure will never hurt me, it's you, Jeje." He said, the most sincere expression he had ever worn on his face. 

Jeje's eyes softened as their gazes locked and Mikuni pulled him for another passionate kiss. The younger boy sighed in contentment when their tongues met again and he wrapped his hands around the much taller one's back. Jeje's slowly travelled from the mattress to Mikuni's body, his fingers started caressing his sides making the blonde shudder under the touch. If he had tried to control himself at first, Doubt Doubt was now completly lost in the moment and was more than willing to give all of his attention to Mikuni. They separated for air and took this chance to admire each other's traits, getting lost in the other's eyes as their fingers instinctively intertwined.

-" What have you done to me..." Jeje said tracing Mikuni's ribs.

"W-well I didn't mean to, you know... though I'm so glad you feel the same way- ah, Jeje, stop teasing..." 

The servamp's hands were now on his partner's chest, just a few centimeters away from his nipples. Normally Jeje wouldn't be that confident but he felt like Mikuni needed him. It was such a pleasant thought, it made his heart jump.

-"How am I teasing you? I'm not moving anymore." The tiniest smirk made its way on his lips and Mikuni whined.

-"Precisely... if you're gonna do it then do it all the way... I can't stand you stopping in the middle of it." 

"So impatient... And I wanted to be nice to you." Jeje began pecking the blonde's neck, the latter shivered as the vampire's hot breath hit his skin. If Mikuni undeniably loved the usual Jeje, this new side of him definitly made him reconsider. He thought he wouldn't mind if his partner was like this- dominating and sexy as hell- more often. Though he was also aware that what they were living at the moment was going to mark a new step in their relationship. And that was why he was enjoying it so much. Jeje taking the lead made him this happy because it was proof he wanted Mikuni enough to let his face unmasked and do stuff he would normally never dare think about.

The eve hugged his servamp, putting his hands behind his back and playing with his ponytail. He could feel Jeje's mouth travelling up to his face, his fingers getting closer to his nipples but not  enough to actually touch them. Mikuni didn't mind letting this go on forever but another part of him wanted to accelerate things and become one with Jeje already.

His partner was still busy kissing his cheek and neck, until he recalled a certain event that made him want to try another place. He brushed some of Mikuni's locks aside and kissed the spot just below his ear. He knew for a fact that the blonde was sensitive here since he wiped his tears last time. However, he certainly hadn't planned what was going to follow this simple act. Mikuni's arms tightened around him, bringing their bodies even closer as his face turned a beautiful shade of red and he made the cutest noise ever. And Jeje didn't care whether his opinion was biased or not, it was the cutest thing he had ever heard.

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