Chapter 1

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It was already 10pm when they left the restaurant. Tsubaki chose not to come along because he wanted to meet up with his subclasses. But he did say it would be interesting to go next time. So the Servamps and Eves were now walking back to their respective homes. Speaking of which, the greed and pride pairs had to wave their goodbyes since their houses were in the opposite direction. Then the sloth pair also left, Mahiru wished Mikuni good luck with his father. The older boy gave him a genuine smile and thanked him. After this the Aliceins and their servamps resumed their walking. It was quiet but not in a bad way. They were simply enjoying the calm of the empty streets, thinking about how pleasant it was to be reunited like this.

However, Mikuni started to feel more and more anxious as they were approaching the mansion. The others noticed and all tried to reassure him in their own way. Misono called him an idiot for worrying too much, Lily said he should trust himself and Jeje who wasn't good with words just nodded in encouragement. So he tried to relax before entering and told himself everything would be fine. Misono opened the door and they made their way to the living room. They didn't know if Mikado would be awake but thought that in the worst case they would just have to wait until the morning to tell him.

They kept walking through the corridor when they heard a noise. It sounded like someone was reading so the lust pair walked in first. As expected, it was Mikado Alicein, who was also Misono and Mikuni' s father. When he noticed the presence of his son, he stood up to greet him and ask if everything was alright. He didn't know the details about the war between the vampires and the C3, but he had been involved with the servamps for a long time so he thought it might have been tough on them. Misono said he was fine but that he wanted to inform him about something very important.

Mikuni, who stayed behind and was waiting for the right time to show up, instantly tensed up. His brother had forgiven him but what if his father didn't ? He suddenly felt really sick and was trying hard to suppress the bad thoughts. Jeje was well aware of his distress and turned in his snake form so he could coil around his master's neck. He rubbed his head on his cheek which managed to appease him a little.

Back to Misono, he was now done explaining to his dad and was about to tell him Mikuni agreed to come back.

-« So after that I talked with Mikuni... and... » he started.

Mikado was listening intently. Could it be... ?

« ...and he agreed to return home with me. »

The room fell silent. Did he hear right ? Did Mikuni really came back, after all those years ? He couldn't believe it. He didn't even know what to tell him. Should he scold him, give him a lecture on his behaviour ? Or should he just hug him and tell him he's glad to ses him ? He had to say something at some point, though.

-« Is he here then ? »

Mikuni wasn't ready. His whole body was trembling in anticipation and fear, and he didn't trust his legs to carry him to where his dad was. But once again, Jeje did the right thing by nudging him slightly whit the side of his head. He didn't say anything but it somehow helped. So the eldest son of the Aliceins was currently marching towards his father. Jeje was still wrapped reassuringly around his shoulders and he was thankful to him for that.

Father and son were now seeing face to face but neither of them dared to break the silence. Lily was also standing beside his eve, watching the scene. It was Mikuni who spoke first.

-« He...hum... hello dad. »

Well it was a good start. He waited for his father's reaction, hoping he wouldn't receive a slap across the face. However, he certainly didn't expect him to start crying. He didn't have the time to say anything else since he was pulled in a tight embrace. His eyes widened in shock as the older man said something he never thought he would hear again.

-« I'm sorry, Mikuni. And I love you. I'm glad you came back. I'm so sorry for all of this. I'm sorry that you had to do this because of me. »

Oh. So that's how happiness feels like. Being held by your father, making up with your family. Having the opportunity to live a normal life again. He had forgotten about all of this. He had resigned himself the night he left the mansion. He had been able to make it with Jeje' s help, but their relationship had always been complicated because of the circumstances their contract was made in. He had met Tsurugi back in the C3, but they couldn't be friends for many reasons. Now all of this would change. They were going to start over. As a family. 

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