It's all I've left of her

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Hello hello and hello. I am back with another story. Hihi. 

Little background info, Aunt May died 1 month ago and Peter now lives with Tony and the Avengers.

"Peter, Boss asks for your presence in the lab," FRIDAY informed Peter.

"Say to Tony that I will be there in 15."

"I will Peter."

Peter rolled out of his warm bed, already shivering with the coldness of his room. He walked into his bathroom and took a quick shower. He dressed in some sweatpants and a shirt. He slowly made his way to the labs. He was too tired to walk faster even though he just got out of bed. 

"Good morning Pete," Tony said happily when Peter entered the lab. Peter stopped and watched the time on his phone. 

"First of all, it's 2 P.M. And second of all, my morning wasn't good," Ever since May died Peter hasn't been quite himself. He was more irritable and not as happy as he was before. But Tony didn't say anything about it, knowing Peter was greaving. 

"I wondered if you want to work with me on my suit?" Tony asks Peter.

"Wait, really?!" A little bit of excitement showed on Peter's face.

"Yes really." Tony laughed. They started working on the latest Iron Man suit.



"I need your small hands. I can't quite reach this part here." Tony pointed at something as Peter crouched down. "Can you try and grab the blue wire and connect it to the green one?"

Peter nodded as he reached for the wires. He could barely grab them because of the small space. He connected the two wires. 

"Can you give me the tape?" Peter asks. 

"Yeah sure, where is it?"

"Besides the screwdriver."

Tony grabbed the tape, but while sliding it off the table he also knocked Peters phone off the table. The phone crashed on the ground, breaking the screen and breaking open the back. 

"What was that?!" Peter turned his head towards the noise. And there he saw, his broken phone on the ground. 

"Oh it was your phone, I accidentally knocked it off the table. Don't worry I will give you a new one," Tony wasn't too worried about it, but Peter was furious. 

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Peter screamed at Tony, grabbing the remains of his now broken phone.

"Kid, calm down. I will give you a new one." 

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Tears were streaming down his face. 

"THEN EXPLAIN" Tony rarely loses his temper against Peter. Peter flinched when Tony yelled, making Tony regret it instantly.

"It's all I've left of her..." Peter says in a small voice. Tony didn't say anything, he just stood there watching how Peter broke down in more tears. "All the pictures, video's, the voice messages she would send me when she was at work. I all had it on my phone." Anger returned in Peter as he stood up, looked Tony straight in the eyes, and yelled.  

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FOULT! I HATE YOU!" Peter ran out of the lab to his room. Slamming the door shut. He slid down the door, hugging his knees as he sobbed even more. All he had left of me, all gone. 

"Peter?" He heard Tony ask, he was on the other side of the door.

"FRIDAY turn on noise-cancelling mode," He didn't want to talk to anyone. 

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