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Peter is 11 (and not Spider-man)

Peter ran home. He was late. Shoot. This is not going to end well. Peter opens the door of the apartment and walked in. He closes the door as quiet as possible. But that didn't happen.

"When did I say you could come home late?!" An angry May said.

Peter didn't answer.

"I thought so."

She walked to him.

"YOU (slap) FUCKING (kick) BRAT! WE HAVE GIVEN (punch) YOU ANYTHING, (slap) AND BECAUSE OF You (kick) BEN IS DEAD! I NEVER WANTED YOU! (punch)" May screamed. She walked away. Her door slammed shut.

Peter rushed to his room and collapsed on his old bed. Crying. After a while, he got up, walked to his mirror and looked at his wounds. A black eye, a bruised rib and a bruised cheak. Not that bad. He had worse times.

Peter changed into his pyjama's and went to bed. Next morning he was out of the house before May even had woken up. He walked to Ned his house.

When he arrived at Ned's he ringed the doorbell. Ned opened.

"Hey Pete," Ned said when he walked outside.

'Hey Ned' Peter signed. After Ben died, Peter was so traumatized that he didn't speak for a while. When he started speaking again, May got really mad. So now he was a mute.
Ned had learned ASL to understand what Peter says. Peter was lucky to have a friend like Ned.

They walked to school.

Peter was in his science class when the principal walked in.

"Peter Parker?" The principal looked around the room. Peter raised his hand.

"Come with me, please. Take all your stuff."

Peter signed bye to Ned and walked with the principal. Peter took out his phone.

"Did I do something wrong?" His phone spoke.

"No you did not do anything wrong, your aunt is here to pick you up."

At first, Peter sighed in relief, but when he heard the second part he was kind of scared.

"Took you long enough," May said frustrated when Peter entered the car.

He signed a quick sorry.

"Yeah, be sorry." She said as she started to drive.

Peter didn't ask where they were going. But he knew it was nothing fun. He was looking out of the window when he heard a big truck. He looked in front of the car and saw a big truck coming in their way.


The two vehicles crashed.

Peter was trapped in his seat, he couldn't move his left arm and he felt weird. Everything was going slow. He blinked a few times, the world became a bit clearer. He saw fire. He looked next to him and saw May. May didn't move. Peter tried to move. But he couldn't. His arm hurts so much. Soon he passes out from the pain.

When Peter woke up, he noticed that his arm didn't hurt so much anymore. He opened his eyes and saw that he in a hospital room was. He looked at his left arm and saw it was in a cast. How am I supposed to sign with one hand? Peter thought.

A nurse walked in and noticed that he was awake.

"Hello Peter, are you okay?" The nurse asks. Peter nods.

The nurse checked some things and walked away. A minute later a police officer walked in.

"Hello Peter, I'm John." The police officer said.

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