Iron Deficiency

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Here is finally a post! Sorry for not posting for a long time, but I had an exam period and was really busy with that. Sorry...

By the was, this doesn't make any sense.

But still. Enjoy...

Peter Parker had iron deficiency, not many people know, only May knows. Peter takes medication for it every day. Except for one day...

"Peter? Do you have everything for the weekend?" May asks when Peter walks into the living room with a bag. It was Friday evening, and Peter would stay over at the Avengers Tower for the weekend.

Peter thought for a second, before responding.

"I think so. But May I really need to go. Happy is already here." Peter said, rushing to put his shoes on.

"Okay honey, have fun!" May said and kissed Peter his head.

~~Lil time skip to the Avengers Tower~~

"Thanks Happy!" Peter said as he ran into the Avengers Tower with his bag.

Peter was so excited. He is going to stay over at THE AVeNgeRS tOwER! This weekend they would have fun and are going to train. Peter got into the elevator. 

The elevator dinged, Peter was in the penthouse. And he was greeted by all the Avengers, a lot of snacks and a lot of pillows and blankets. Movie Night! Peter was so excited!!

"Come on Underoos, lets put those bag in your room and start the movie night," Tony said as he gave a hug to Peter. Peter nodded and followed Tony to his room for this weekend. The room was so big! And it was Star Wars themed. Peter couldn't be any happier.

When they got back, everyone was settled with snacks and the movie was almost playing. 

"What took you two so long?!" Clint said, apparently not wanting to wait any longer.

"Sorry you dipshit, I was just showing Peter his new room," Tony responded. Earning a quit 'language' from Steve.

The movie started playing.

~~Again a Lil skip~~

The second movie ended, and Peter was tired. So he went to bed. So did all the other avengers.

~Next Morning~

Peter got up slowly. He got dressed and wanted to take his medicine, only then he noticed that he forgot it.

"Stupid Parker! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He muttered. 

He had to do it without the medicine this weekend, hope it will end well. Peter walked to the kitchen and saw Steve making pancakes with Bucky, and all the others were drinking coffee or tea.

"Morning!" Peter said excitedly.

A few 'morning's were heard. Everyone was tired.

A few minutes the pancakes were done, and everyone was eating.

"They are delicious Steve and Bucky!" Sam said as he almost inhaled a whole pancake.

"So. In the afternoon we will train, now you can do anything you want. 1 P.M. in the training room." Steve said after breakfast. Everyone nodded and stood up and walked out of the room.

P.O.V. Peter

Everyone was already out of the kitchen. I stand up and feel a bit dizzy. I grab the edge of the table and close my eyes for a second. After a few seconds, the dizziness disappeared. 

"Hey kid, wanna go to the labs?" Tony asks when he walked in. 

"Yeah!" I respond enthusiast. 

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