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WOW, another chapter. But for your interest, this one isn't as good as the previous one. 

Okay, so Imma talk about ADD in this chapter, and mostly my own experience about it. 

"So Peter, this will be your new home," Steve said as they pulled up to Stark tower. Peter couldn't believe it. He is going to live with the avengers and Steve is his new dad.

They entered the building, picked up a pass for Peter and went to the living quarters.

"We're home alone for now. The others are all in a meeting with Fury. What do you want to do?" Steve asks.

"Oh uhm, can I maybe see my room? So I can unpack?" Peter asks in a shy way.

"Yes, right. Follow me." They walked into the long hallways and stopped in front of a grey door. "Tony said you could decorate it as you want. Just ask him about it."

When they entered the room, Peter couldn't believe it.

"This is my room?" He asks.

"Yep, it is. Sorry it's so boring right now, we didn't know..."

"No, don't worry. It's beautiful. This room is bigger than my previous apartment. Thank you!!" Peter was very excited.

Steve and Peter started to unpack Peter's stuff in comfortable silence.

"Steve?" Peter asks carefully.

"Yes, Pete."

"Why didn't you have to go to the meeting?"

"Oh. Uhm. Well, it's about Spider-Man."

This caught Peter's attention since he is Spider-Man but no one knew. "What about Spider-Man?"

"Well Fury, our boss wants to catch him to get his identity. But I think that unnecessary because he does good. So I was pardoned from it."

From the outside, Peter seemed understanding, but from the inside, he was panicking. The Avengers were after him. And little did they know he would live with them.

"Oh, I get it. And I agree, he helps people. Why do they want to catch him? He does nothing wrong."

"Exactly. Somethings I just don't understand."

All Peter's stuff was unpacked so they left to the kitchen to make dinner for everyone. Peter noticed that Steve's a pretty good cook.

"At what time is the team coming?" Peter asks.

"Any minute," Steve answered while draining the water from the pasta. And right at that moment, the elevator dinged. "There they are."

Peter wasn't ready for this. He is about to meet all his childhood heroes at once. He started to shake a little and his breathing speed up. He could barely control it anymore.

Steve saw the colour drain from Peter's face.

"You okay there?" He asks, but no answer was received. "Pete?" Steve abandoned the pasta to check up on his new son. When he got closer he noticed the shaking and the fast breathing. Steve crouched down in front of Peter.

"Peter I need you to breath with me. Slowly in and out." Steve puts one of Peter's hand on his chest so Peter could feel Steve's breathing. And it helped. Peter started to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Peter started to apologize.

"No need to be sorry son. You didn't do anything." Steve hugged Peter. Little did they know that the whole team was watching them.

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