I wish I were Heather

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Hehe, I'm sorry for not writing but collage is a pain in the ass. I worked on this for a while and I hope you will like it. It's 1630 words long :).

Oh and I'm sorry for the people who requested chapters but I lost them all. And right now I'm not really looking for requests. I'm sorry about that.

Peter is 17 and Oliver is 18.

The past few weeks Peter noticed a slight change in the behaviour of his boyfriend Oliver. He never knew why, until one day at school. Peter saw Heather walk by with a blue sweater which looked a lot like one of Olivers. By seeing this he noticed how much time Oliver spent with Heather in the past few weeks. Oliver was bi, would he..? No, he wouldn't.

"Hey, Ollie!" Peter kissed Oliver on the cheek.

"Hey, baby!" Oliver said. "I'm sorry about the weekend, my mom didn't let me see someone because that stupid teacher who gave me an F."

"Don't apologise, I understand. We will just do it this weekend." Peter smiled adorably. Oliver kissed Peter on the mouth, Peter noticed it felt different but he didn't think about it. They hold hands when Oliver walked Peter to his class. They didn't have classes together, but they would spend the rest of the day together. 

After school, they met at Oliver's car, like every day. They would go to Oliver's house and do homework and spend time together. 

"Hey, miss. Brown, how are you?" Peter asked when they entered the house, seeing Oliver's mom. 

"Hey sweethearts, I'm fine Peter. And just call me Claire, Miss. Brown makes me feel old." She gave both the boys a hug. "I made some cookies, you two can grab some and go upstairs." Peter and Oliver did. They went upstairs, dropped their bags on the ground and the cookies on the desk. Peter fell on Oliver's bed, feeling cold and exhausted. 

"Ollie, I'm cold," Peter whined.

"Just grab a sweater, you know where they are," Oliver said with a smile. 

Peter stood up and walked to Oliver's closet, looking for the blue sweater Ollie had, but he couldn't find it. So he grabbed another one and pulled it over his head. He turned around and saw Ollie looking at him with a big smile on his face.

"You look so adorable small in that sweater." This made Peter blush. 

They cuddled for a bit while eating their cookies, and then went to do their homework. 

Peter wanted to ask a question, but he didn't know if it was smart. But he did it anyway. 



"Where is your blue sweater?"

"Huh? Oh, it's probably in the laundry."

"Oh, Okay."

But the next day the sweater wasn't there. Every day when Peter was at Oliver's the sweater wasn't there, and Ollie always used the same excuse. 


It was Saturday and Peter was walking to Oliver. When he turned into the street he saw Heather leaving his house. He said no one would come to visit him on Saturday, that was why Peter went to him. But the worst thing was, Heather was wearing Oliver's blue sweater. 

Peter walked into the house, straight to Oliver's room. The door was open so he barged in and slammed the door shut. The tears already started to fall.

"What's the matter, baby?" Ollie asked concerned. 

"Why would you ever kiss me?"

"What do you mean baby?"

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