Bad Day

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Warning: this chapter contains suicidal taught, and someone who tries to kill himself. So if it triggers you do not read it.

Friday, the last day of school. Finally! Peter is done with this school. And done with all the people in it. The last bell rung and Peter almost sprinted out of the classroom.
"Not so fast Penis."
Shit! Peter keeps walking, but gets a punch in his back.
"Nobody likes you, you know. Your parents and uncle just killed themselves so they don't have to live with you." Flash says. While punching Peter
Maybe he is right.
Nobody likes me.
I'm just a burden.
"Maybe you can just kill yourself or something, than your aunt can live a happy life." Flash continues.
"You know flash, maybe you're right. So I don't want to be a burden to you, so I'm leaving. Bye." Peter says while walking away. Flash looks surprised, he never expected this answer.

It was Saturday morning, an other day of hell for Peter. Since uncle Ben died, Peter was depressed and has suicidal taughts. Every day he cuts himself. But today was an other day. He was planning to jump. Peter was done with all the dead he has been thru, uncle Ben, his parents and even his own dead. The bullying of Flash isn't helping either. At school he just acts normal. Aunt May and his friends don't know Peter has depression.
"Aunt May I'm going for a walk." Peter shouts while walking out of the door.
"Okay hunny, be careful." May shouts back. Little did she know what Peter really was going to do.

When Peter was oudside, he immediately walked to the highest building in the neighborhood. He looked around, when he sees no-one he began to climb up the wall. When he was at the top of the building he looked at the sky and tought of the words that Flash said yesterday.
I am a burden.
I don't want to be a burden.
I'm a burden to everyone.
My parents and uncle did die on purpes.
Nobody can love me.
Nobody cares about me.
Nobody likes me.
I'm a burden.

Peter grabes his phone and texted Tony and May.
I'm sorry for being a burden to you, I know that you pretended to like me. I know everything. That is one of the reasons why I did this. A few other reason are, I just can't live with all the dead I have been thru, and the bullying is just to much now. I'm not sorry, this just makes your live easier and more fun. This is my goodbye to you. I did love you. Bye.

He knows May wouldn't read it till after her shift at work. With that Peter lays his phone on the roof and took the knive out of his pocket. He begun to cut. And cut. And cut. His whole arm was covered in blood. He feels kind of lightheaded. He walked to the edge.
"Bye world." He said while he passes out and fell of the roof.

~~A few minutes earlier~~
"Boss you have a message from Peter Parker." Friday says.
"What does it say?" Tony asks without looking from his work.
"It says: I'm sorry for being a burden to you, I know that you pretended to like me. I know everything. That  is one of the reasons why I did this. A few other reason are, I just can't live with all the dead I have been thru, and the bullying is just to much now. I'm not sorry, this just makes your live easier and more fun. This is my goodbye to you. I did love you. Bye."
Tony panicked.
"Fri track Peter his phone and call my suit." Tony shouts.
After a few secondes Tony is in one of his suites and flying to Peter his location. When he is almost there, he sees a person falling from a rooftop.
"PETER!!" Tony shouts while speeding up to catch him. When Tony catches Peter he hears a crack.
"Friday scan Peter."
"He has a broken back from the catch, a concussion and he is unconscious from bloodlost."
Shit shit shit shit. Tony flew as fast as he could back to the tower.
"Friday call Burce and tell him to get medbay ready."
After 2 minutes is Tony back at the tower. He brings Peter to medbay.

Bruce stitches Peter's woonds up. And took a x-ray of his back. After 30 minutes Peter woke up. Peter couldn't move his legs, but Bruce explained why.
Tony and Peter had a long talk about what and why. When May arrived at the tower, she and Tony had a long talk too.
Peter had to stay at the tower for 3 days. In those days he met a therapist. Now he goes every week to her. After those 3 days, Peter could walk again, but only with crutches.

It is Wednesday, and Peter goed back to school. Only Ned and MJ knew what happened.
"Owh look, Penis Parker is faking. Aww Puny what have you done?" Flash says in an annoying way.
"Do you really want to know what happened?!" Peter practically screamed.
"Like something bad happened to you." Flash says sarcastically.

After that day, nobody at school ever bothered Peter in the wrong way.

So I was sad, that is why this is a sad story. Bye guys.


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