Wait What?!

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P.O.V. Peter

Why does my head hurts so much??

What is that stupid beeping noice?

What happend?

Ugh why can't I remember.

"Bruce how are we going to tell him?"

Tell me what?

"I don't know Tony."

Okay Bruce and Tony are here, I'm safe. I'm in medbay.

"I think we are going to break him if we tell him that..."

Why did he stop? I wanna know.

"I don't know Tony, let him wake up and improvise."

Okay, I'm asleep. Or that is what they think.

"I'm just so afraid to tell him."

No P.O.V.

"Tell me what?" Peter asks.

Tony stood shocked.


"Bruce let me do it"

"Okay" Bruce says.

"Pete, do you remember anything?"

"Uhm, we were fighting. We were fighting on top of a high building."

"Do you remember anything that happened after that?"

"I woke up here... What happened?"

"Okay... So we were fighting. And at the end one of the bad guys escaped your webs and shot you with something. The impact was very big, so you flew backwards. Of the building. I cought you right before you would hit the ground. Only you were going so fast that the impact was big. I only could catch you with one arm, cause the other broke during the fight. When I caught you I heard a crack. You were unconscious. We rushed you to medbay. I-I... You broke your back Peter. I'm sorry. We don't know if it is permanent and we don't know how long it is going to take to fix it.

"No, this is all a dream. This can't be true."

"I'm sorry Peter."

Peter tried to move.

"No no no NOOO. NO I I I I NO NOOOO."

Peter was shouting and throwing around with his arms.

"Pete, you have to calm down. Kid breath with me. In... Out... In... Out... You're doing a good job."

Peter has calmed down a bit.

"What do I do now? The city need Spiderman, and I can't be spiderman if I can't move my legs. Tony. Please find a solution. I..."

"I have good news." Bruce says while walking into the room. Has he ever left? Apparently.

"It's not permanent. With your healing it should be a few weeks. Luckely for you, you have summer break so no missing school."

It was good news, but Petet didn't knew if he was happy or sad. I think both.

After a few minutes of calming down, Peter is back to his (almost) old self.

"Kid you can chose, a wheelchair with a motor or without one."

"Without one."

Tony nodded and came back a few seconds later with a wheelchair. Tony and Bruce helped him in the chair. Before Tony went back to Peter, he told the others to not asks questions and to not upset him. They all nodded.

~~A few days later, brought by a tired author. ~~

"TONY COME HERE!" Peter shouted.

Tony ran as fast as he could to Peter, thinking that something was wrong.

"LOOK!" Peter says exited while pointing at his feet. His toes are wiggling. Wait. His toes are wiggling. HIS TOES ARE WIGGLING!

Tony ran to Peter and gave him a hug.

That was two days ago. Right now Peter was handed 2 crutches. Tony, Bruce and Peter were all 3 excited! Peter leaned on his arms and stood up.

"I'm standing again, alone!!!"

"Good job Peter! Now try to take a step."

Peter did as told, and tried to make a step. Only that fails. Peter falls on the ground.

"Let me help you." Tony says while walking towards Peter.


"Peter you have to let us help you." Bruce says.




Tony and Bruce still didn't move.

"GO AWAY. NOWW!!!" Peter screamed with tears in his eyes. "I don't want you to see me like this." He says it so quiet that they don't hear it.

I fucking hate it! God(666) please help me.

Peter shot a web at the roof and gets himself in his wheelchair again.

The whole night Peter tries and tries. The next morning he didn't go out his room. Steve brought breakfast. And Wanda came to give him a hug. He really needed that. Wanda left after the hug.

Peter didn't leave his room all day, what worries Tony. But every time he went to Peter his room Peter send him away. Tony will try the next day.

~~Next day~~

Peter felt great. Really great. So he tried again. And he did it. He was now walking in his room, with crutches. So he diceded to surprise the others.

"FRIDAY don't say I'm out of my room."

"I won't Peter."

"Thank you FRI."

Peter slowly made his way to the elevator. The elevator was empty, luckily. When he was at the living room he slowly made his way. Nobody looked, except Natash. So Peter began to mess a little.

"After one day not seeing me, you already forgot me. I think that ik going to walk away than."

The whole team looked at Peter and began to cheat. It was the nicest and longest group hug ever.

"Guys... Can't... Breath...."

After 3 days Peter could walk without any help. After 1 week Spiderman was back.

It's 0.00
Im tired but can't sleep. You know why. BECAUSE IT IS FREACKING HOT!!! Today it was 40° celcius outside. And my room feels like a sauna.

Have a good day/night.



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