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Trigger warning: suicide (almost)

It was Saturday morning when Peter woke up in Stark Tower (Peter sleeps in the tower every weekend.) because of his spidey sense. He saw that is was 8.50 so he went downstairs. When he was downstairs he saw all the Avengers sitting in the living room.

"Hey, guys!" Peter says.

"Hey Pete, I want you to meet someone," Tony says. "This is Tom, my new intern. I hope you two can get along with each other!"

Peter walked to Tom to give him a hand. Tom accepts his hand and shakes it. Maybe this guy isn't bad. Peter thought. His spidey sense is still ringing but he ignores it.

The day was pretty good, he worked with Tony and Tom in the labs, they had a lot of fun.
Same goes for Sunday.

But Monday was not so great...

Peters spidey sense kept blaring at him for danger. But he saw nothing. After school when he arrived home, something felt off.

"May I'm home." Peter shouted when he walked into the apartment.
No response came.


Peter smelled something weird. He panicked. It was the smell of blood.


When Peter walked into May's bedroom, his heart dropped. May lay dead on her bed with a gunshot in her head.


Peter reached for his phone and searched for Tony's contact.
The phone rang. And rang. And rang. Peter already gave up the hope till..

"Pete, I'm busy with Tom. What is it?" Tony said, it sounded almost annoyed.

"Tony, May. She-she...."

"She is what Peter."

"I-she she is."

"I'm sorry Peter, I don't have time for this." Tony ended the call.

Peter couldn't anymore. He lost everything. Tony didn't want him anymore. He was nauseous and felt like he could puke. The picked up his phone again, not remembering that he dropped it. He called Ned. Ned didn't answer. So Peter send him a text.

I'm sorry Ned, I really tried. May is dead. I can't handle it anymore. I'm sorry that I dragged you into this. I'm sorry that we met. You should have some better friends than me. I think this is a bye.

And he texted Tony for the last time. But accidentally sent it to Pepper.

Tony I'm sorry for being a bother. I won't bother you anymore. Bye.

He shuted down his phone and trew it at the wall, it shattered.
He walked up to the roof of the 25 store building and was preparing to jump. Tears were falling like water falls.

"WHY. JUST TELL ME WHY!" He shouted.

He wanted to know why, why him? Why does everyone he loves have to die or turn their back to him. Why?

He walked closer to the edge. Swept the last tear away. Then he jumped.

At the tower (5 min earlyer)

"Miss Potts, you have a message from Peter." FRIDAY announced.

"Oh, tell me." Pepper says.

"Tony I'm sorry for being a bother. I won't bother you anymore. Bye."

Pepper was shocked. This message was ment for Tony. Ow no. This is no good.

"Miss Potts, you must see this." FRIDAY says. And a news item popped up. 'May Parker was found dead in her apartment, she was shot in the head.'

Pepper sprinted to Tony. Of course he was working with Tom. Pepper doesn't like Tom.

"Tony. Go find Peter now. His aunt died and I got a message from him saying: 'Tony I'm sorry for being a bother. I won't bother you anymore. Bye.' and it was ment for you. I already tried to call but he didn't answer." When Pepper finished Tony was already in his suit.

"But dad we were worki..." Tom started.

"No. You leave now. I need to find Peter." Tony says.

"Why he is a worthless pice of shit, why do you need him if you were planning to adopt me."

"Adopt you?! In your dreams. I was planning to adopt Peter you as$hole. Now leave the tower you piece of shit and don't ever, ever come back." Tony almost shouted the last part. And flew away.

"FRIDAY where is Peter?" Tony asks.

"He is at the top of his apartment building, and he looks like he is going to jump." The last part made Tony flew faster. He needed to safe his kid.

Peter jumped. And Tony catches him. Peter was pretty confused. Why would someone safe him, he only was a bother."

Let's say, Tony, Pepper and Peter had a long and good talk. Tony and Pepper adopted Peter. Ned was really concerned about Peter. Everything went back to normal. As normal as it could be if you live with THE Tony Stark and THE Pepper Potts.

Sorry for the rushed end but I had a little writer's block for the end. Hope you like it.

I have like 7 concepts and I will try to upload them as soon as possible.

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