Ninja?! Part 2

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So here is part 2.
I want to make something clear, I am not shipping Peter and Matt as Peter is a minor in this story, just to be clear. I was more going for the little brother, big brother relationship :)

Around 1:24 am, Matt heard Peter fall asleep. 
Around 1:30 am, Matt was sitting at his dining table and searching Peter Parker online, but could not find anything. Like this boy doesn't even exist. Weird. 
Around 2:15 am, Matt stopped searching and went to sleep.
Around 3:43 am, Matt woke up to sounds coming out of his bedroom, whimpers and crying. Is Peter okay?.... Most definitely not.

Matt quietly entered his bedroom to find Peter asleep but trashing in bed. He is having a nightmare. 

"Please... no May... Stop... don't-don't leave me... Help..." Peter murmured. Definitely a nightmare. Matt was thinking about the best way to wake the poor kid up. Not having experience with helping someone with their nightmares. 

Matt walked to Peter, crouching down next to the bed and carefully went to put a hand on Peter. Wrong move. Peter's eyes shot open in panic as he went to punch the person who touched him, luckily Matt dodged, but that didn't help with Peter's panic. A hyperventilating Peter was now on the other side of the bed, staring at Matt with wide eyes. 

"Hey, it's okay. It's just me, Matt." Matt said softly as he raised his hands like he was surrendering. Peter's breathing started to slow, he swallowed hard before talking. 

"Sor-sorry for waking you up," Peter whispered. 

"No. You don't have to be sorry. It's okay." It's not, this kid shouldn't go through all of this. 

There was a short period of silence where Peter calmed down. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Matt asked.

"I- uhm... You don't want to hea-" 

"I don't mind, I promise." 

"Oh uhm, yeah okay... But like, you don't have to sit on the floor, I feel bad enough that I sleep in your bed but please don't sit on the floor now." Peter almost begged Matt to stand up.

"Yeah okay, you okay with me sitting on the bed?" Matt asked, not wanting to do something the kid wouldn't like. Peter nodded, too tired to remember Matt was blind. When Matt was still staring in Peter's direction Peter remembered. 

"Oh uhh, sorry. I don't mind." 

"You nodded, didn't you?" Matt chuckled. 

"Yeah, I did." Peter chuckled too, lighting up the mood a little. There was a short period of silence again where Matt moved onto the bed and sat with his back against the wall.

"So uhm... yeah... It's hard to start, cause so many things happened. And I don't- I..." Peter sighed loudly, frustrated he could not find his words. 

"Hey, take your time. You don't have to rush this. Take your time to find your words." 

"Thanks," Peter muttered. He stared out the window for a sec before continuing.
"5 months ago my life turned around for the second time. And it sucks. My uhm... nightmares were multiple things, multiple traumatic events I've been through. 5 months ago, my aunt was killed by a bad guy. My last living relative, the person who had been feeding me, giving me clothes, and helping me with homework, died because of me... The person who raised me since I was 5... died... And not that long before that my mentor, and actually kinda my father figure had also passed away. It's like everyone I love dies..." Peter was full-on crying right now, and Matt was doing his best not to. To make the story even sadder, it also started to rain outside.

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