Peter, we have to tell you something

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This is for anilesdabomb, hope u like it!! And sorry that it took so long. 

"Peter, can you come here for a sec?" May asked.

"Why?" Peter yelled from his room, he was doing homework so he actually wanted to finish it before finally being able to rest.

"We have to tell you something."

Who are we? Peter asks himself. He walked out of his room, first to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Who is we?" He asks when he walked into the small living room. When he was fully in the room he saw May and Happy.

"Yeah?" Peter asks curiously.

"We are... Uhm." May started.

"We are getting married!" Happy says happily.

"Oh, uhm... Nice." This wasn't the response they expected. "I'm- I'm going back to my room." Peter left immediately.

"I'm going to talk to him." May said to Happy as they heard a door slam shut. May walked to Peter his room and softly knocked. 

"Hey. You okay?" She asks softly. Peter just looked at her with sad eyes. "I know this is a big step, but I'm ready for it. Nothing is really going to change since Happy practically already lived here."

"It's just- I don't know. I'm worried he's going to end up like Richerd, or Ben, or Tony." Peter said sadly. 

"Why is that Pete?"

"They were all father figures to me and they all died because of me. Richard cause he had to get my medicine. (I know that's not the original story, just go with it) Ben because he followed me after the fight. And Tony because he grabbed the stones before I could." Peter was crying know, everyone died around him. 

"Oh, baby." May sat beside Peter and hugged him. "All of that isn't your fault, you have to stop blaming yourself for it." May kissed Peter's head and lied him down as she noticed he was exhausted. 


"No buts Pete. All of that isn't your fault."

Peter yawned loudly as his eyes drooped. 

"Okay..." He said before falling asleep. May gave him one more kiss on his forehead before leaving the room. 

"Is he okay?" Happy asks worriedly. 

"He will be. He is afraid you would end up like his father, Ben and Tony did. The poor boy blames himself for all their deaths." Happy was taken back by it, did the boy really worried that much? 

"What is he doing now?" Happy asks.

"He was exhausted, so he's asleep now."

"Okay, I will talk to him tomorrow." 

May and Happy cuddled for a bit before heading to bed themselves. 

Le next morning

When Peter walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast/lunch he saw Happy sitting at the table.

"Hey, kid." He says.

"Hey Happy."

"Why don't we go out for lunch, it has been a while since we did something together." 

Peter hesitated, what if it happens today? 

"Don't worry Pete, nothing will happen." Happy continues. 

"Okay, I will grab my stuff, be back in a sec." Peter ran back to his room to get his shoes, he puts them on, grabbed his phone and wallet and walked towards the door. Happy was already waiting at the door for him. 

"Let's go!"

They arrived at a small lunch place and ordered their lunch. 

"Pete, I know that you're worried about me. May told me yesterday." Happy started. Peter looked up as a sad puppy. "You don't have to worry about me, I can handle it."


"No but's Pete, their death's weren't your fault."

"Yes they were!" Peter looked Happy sad in the eyes.

"Did you drive the car who crashed on Richard?"


Did you pull the trigger of the gun which shot Ben?"


"Did you snap in the first place?"


"See Pete, you didn't do those things, you're not the reason they died, and you will never be." When Happy finished that sentence their food came. "Now how's school going?"

Peter did felt less guilty about their deaths, thanks to Happy. And he approved their marriage. He was happy for them. But he will never stop worrying about Happy. 

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