Ninja?! part 3

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"Matthew Michael Murdock! Why the hell aren't you answering your pho- oh." Karen stormed into the apartment angrily. 

"Hi, Karen," Matt whispered, not wanting to wake the kid. 

"Who's that?" She asked curiously.

"Uhm, yeah. Hard to explain..."

"Why is he here?"

"He needed a place to stay and also needed comfort from a person as you can see," Matt looked sadly in the direction of Peter. 

"Can I do something for you?" Karen asked kindly.

"Can you grab a glass of water for me?" 

"Yeah sure."

"Oh, and one for the kid too and the painkillers, please."

"Sure thing." Karen walked into the kitchen and filled two glasses of water and grabbed the bottle of pills. She walked back to Matt and handed him one glass of water and put the other one and the bottle on the bedside table. She looked at the kid, he was pale and had tear streaks on his face. Poor kid. 

"Is he okay?" She whispered worriedly. 

"Right now? I don't think so..."

"What happened?"

"That's not my story to tell." Karen responded with an 'oh'. After a few seconds of silence, Karen started to whisper again. 

"I better should get going. Call me when you need anything, okay?"

"I will, Karen. Wait, didn't Foggy tell you anything?"

"Well funny story, he didn't really get the chance." Karen laughed quietly. "I stormed out when he walked in without you. He did call me but I was too worried about you to listen to him." Matt chuckled too. 

"Yeah sorry for that. My phone is on the dining table and I can't really get up, this kid has a death grip on me."

"Don't apologise, I understand now. I really am going to go now. Bye Matt." She gave Matt a light kiss on his forehead. 
"Bye Karen."

Somehow Matt fell asleep too. He must admit, he was tired, even though he slept a reasonable amount of hours last night. 

A particularly loud clap of thunder startles Matt awake, his ears ringing slightly as his mind was waking up. Listening to Peter's breathing, Matt noticed he was waking up. Probably because of the startle Matt made. Good job Matt...

Peter felt weird when he woke up, he has a massive headache. He stirred and groaned as he opened his eyes slightly. The bright surroundings slowly got less and less bright. He noticed he was leaning, almost laying, on Matt. (not sexually) He quickly moved, apologising. 

"Sorry! I- I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry!" He said quickly. Peter looked at Matt, waiting for any sort of reaction. Matt's mouth began to move but Peter couldn't hear anything. Panicking slightly as he reached his ears, noticing his earplugs were in his ear. Slowly pulling the out, not to overwhelm his hearing.

"How are you feeling?" Matt asked quietly. 

"I'm fine, Sorry again." Lie.

"No need to be sorry. And please, be honest Peter, how are you?" How does he always know? Oh right, heartbeat...

"Oh, uhm, yeah. Got a pretty bad headache, to be honest... What uhm, what happened?" 

"You don't remember?" Matt was already worried about Peter, but this made him worry even more. 

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