(Not) My Fault part 2

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A few of you guys requested a part two, so here it is!!

No one spoke to Peter after the 'incident'. Because of MJ, he had friends. Because of MJ, he was more open. But now, he never talks to anyone. He had no friends. They all were fake friends. They all left him.

At lunch break, he sits alone. In all classes, he sits alone. No one joined him. At home, he speaks to May as much as he can. But she has to work. 

Peter's grades were slipping, he wasn't sleeping well, and he barely ate.

That all started to change this particular day.

"Class, I have an announcement! Today we have a new student, her name is Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy, but she goes by Gwen." Miss Williams says. A knock on the door was heard by Peter. He looked up and saw a beautiful girl with long blond hair and bangs. 

"Hi, I'm looking for Miss Williams class?" The girl says. 

"Ah, you must be Gwen then?" Miss Williams asks.

"Yes, I am. So I'm in the right class?"

"Yes, you are. Class this is Gwen." Gwen waved shyly to the class. "Uhm, you can sit next to Peter, he is the boy in the back." Gwen moved to sit next to Peter, on her way to the back of the class she heard a few whispers.

"Poor girl, new here and has to sit next to him."
"Another life he can fuck up."
"She has to sit next to him?!"

She is furious, why do these kids need to be so mean? Gwen sits down next to Peter, who was lying with his head on the table and his hood up. Was he asleep? Probably not. Right?

Gwen didn't know. But she tried.

"Hey," She says when she is fully seated.

Peter looked up questioning, was she talking to me?

Like she could read his mind, she says: "Yes I'm talking to you."

"Oh, hi?"

"I'm Gwen Stacy, and you are Peter ..."

"I'm Parker Peter, uhm I mean, I'm Peter Parker." He says as they shake hands. 

"Well nice to meet you, Peter Parker. Can you maybe help me with my schedule?"


Gwen shows Peter her schedule. 

"You're pretty smart I see. And I also see you are in all my classes. So if you don't mind I could show you your way."


"Only if you want." Peter does not want her to do it if she doesn't want to.

"Well Peter Parker, I would like to be shown around by you." Gwen let out a big smile.

This girl does special things to Peter.

(≧▽≦)/ This is Bobby, Bobby says hi and brings a time skip of 2 months.

Things were better with Peter. He was top of his classes again and made a friend. Well, more than a friend.

Gwen and Peter were now dating for a few weeks. Every day Peter would drop a small note in Gwen her locker with a cute sweet note. 

Peter was currently putting the small note in her locker when MJ, Flash and their 'friends' walked by.

"Yo Penis, stop trying so hard." Flash laughed.

Peter looked at him with an annoyed face.

"She just going to leave you, just like everyone does."

Peter was done with it.

"There are hundreds of people in this school that you could bother, but for some reason you chose me." He says

"Of course, you're the most pathetic one." 

"Maybe I'm the one who is being overdramatic, but I don't think so. I do know for a fact, though that you're a definite coward and I think it might be time for you to go."

"I'm not a coward!" Flash says loudly.

"Yes you are, and I'm done with you. You know MJ, I still don't understand why you like him." Peter left.

MJ didn't know either.

MJ her locker was right next to Gwen her locker. Some days MJ would read that note too. Flash never did that for her. Peter used to do that. She missed that time. But MJ is with Flash now, not with Peter. 

The jealousy was growing inside MJ. She wanted her Peter back. She dumped Flash, finally seeing what a big mistake he was. 

Peter and Gwen were talking at Gwen her locker. 

"Hey Petey." MJ says in a flirty voice.

"What?" Peter asks annoyed.

"I was just wondering, why being with her if you can be with me."

"You're with Flash, so why bothering?"

"We broke up." MJ simply stated.

"Oh, so now you want me?" Peter started to get a little angry.

"I've always wanted you!"

"So you're telling me that you never meant to cheat on me. That you never meant to break me and my heart. Because that's bullshit!"

"I didn't say that, but I do regret all that. I miss the way you would give me those notes, I miss the way you would act if we were on a date, I miss the way you smell, I miss your hugs."

"You're just jealous, you're jealous because Gwen and I have a better relationship than you ever had. So back off and don't try this again." Peter was furious, Gwen grabbed his hand and they walked away. When they were alone Peter broke down. 

"Baby? What's wrong?" Gwen asks hugging Peter tightly.

"I just... I'm so grateful for what we have. MJ, she used to force me on dates and made me pay all the time. I did love her but I realise now how a toxic relationship it actually was. She broke me. Then you came, you healed me. May she was so worried, she saw a lot of signs of depression in me after the breakup. And when you came, they just disappeared." Peter kissed Gwen. "I love you!"

"I love you too Peter Parker." Gwen dried Peter's tears and a few of her own.

"Come one, let's go get some coffee!"

Hope you guys liked it! If you have requests just send them, I would love to hear your ideas!

I don't know if any of you have TikTok, but if you do. We have the shy trend going on. And a lot af people are doing this 👉👈 with their hands. That has a meaning in ASL. This 👉👈 means gay sex. Although, that's what I've heard. Soooo.


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