Stupid batteries

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Enjoy the 1450 words I wrote for you. And this whole story doesn't make any sense.

So nobody knows Peter is deaf, not even Tony. Only May, Ned (Maybe MJ?? Peter is not sure about that) and all his teachers know. He has hearing aids so he can hear.  But one day Peter was a little stupid.......

Today was Friday, the best day of the week! Peter got up and was already exited. After school, he will go to the tower and stay for the weekend. His bag was already packed. Now he was on his way to school. His hearing aids in his ears, like every day. 

~~Le time skip, brought by une baguette.~~

The last lesson of today was science. Only their teacher was sick so they have a substitute. What could go wrong?! Well you can guess it, Parker Luck.

"Mister Parker, can you come for a second?" Asks his substitute.

Peter stood up and walked to her. A little confused why.

"I have noticed that you have wireless headphones in, so I would like to take them from you, you will get them back after this lesson."

"Uhm Miss, these aren't-"

"No talking back. Give them."

Peter sighed as he pulled out his hearing aids, and give them to her. He walks back to Ned and began to write.

She took my H.A.

Ha, sucked to be you

Haha very funny. help me out when someone asks me something.

Ned reads it and nodded. Ned knew ASL, but it was a little suspicious if they do it in class.

"Mister Parker?"

No respond.

"Mister Parker?"

Still no response. Ned gave Peter a little punch. Peter looked up and understood why.

"Can you come up to the front again?" 

Peter looked at Ned, who was writing it really quickly on his paper. Peter reads it and walked to the front. 

"You can have your headphones back." She says while handing Peter his hearing aids.

Peter puts them into his ears. Then he hears the bell. He got back to his table to get his stuff. When everyone was gone, he walked back to their substitute.

"Ma'am those aren't headphones. Those are my hearing aids, I'm deaf, but only the teachers know."

"Oh, I am really sorry Parker. Have a nice weekend."

Peter said 'you too' while walking away. He looked at his watch and saw that he was kind of late. Shit. He walked as fast as he could to his locker and then outside.

"Hey Happy!" Peter says enthusiastically when he sat down at the back of the car.

"Hey kid."

Peter began to talk about his day, leaving the part about his hearing aids. After 7 minutes the screen between Happy and Peter went up. Tsss. Peter took his homework and began working on that. 

"Kid we are here."

"Thank you Happy," Peter says while taking his bag, Happy had picked his bag up before he went to get Peter. Peter walked into the tower towards the elevator.

Once Peter was upstairs, he was immediately pulled into a hug by Natasha.

"Hey Детские паук (baby spider), how are you?"

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