"Peter You Have To Calm Down!"

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I'm actually a bit angry about this story, I wrote almost a whole story on my computer, and now everything is gone. Wattpad deleted my friking storyyyy. UGHHH. So now I have re-written it.
Hope you like it!!

And I'm really sorry for not posting any sooner, but I had a few exams and I really had to focus on them. But now it is vacation so I hope I can write more.

"Sir there is an intruder in the building." FRIDAY said as the alarms started to make sounds.

"Call everyone to the common room." Tony said to FRIDAY.

Only a minute later everyone was in the common room in their suits.

"FRIDAY what do you know?" Tony asks.

"An unknown person had entered the building and is currently trying to-to-to-ttt... Sh...." The energy in the building shut down.

"Guys... Some... Something is coming." Peter says with a shaky voice.

Before anyone could say anything else some kind of gas was starting to form in the room. Everyone started to cough. The gas cleared out after a few seconds and everyone just stood there, doing nothing. 

"What are we going to do?" Peter asks, still sensing danger.

But no one responded, they just stood there. Peter walked up to Tony, waving his hand in front of Tony his face. Out of nowhere, Tony grabbed Peter his hand. His helmet disappeared showing his face. His eyes were as red as blood. Peter looked around and saw everyone with red eyes. 

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit." Peter mumbled in himself. 

Tony went to punch Peter in the face, but Peter ducked. 

"Not nice!" He yelled as he jumped on the ceiling. 

Everyone was looking at him with their red eyes. He wonders why he was the only one who was not infected by it. Probably fast matabolism.

Okay Peter, focus. What can you do? I can fight them, or I can just wait.

Tony almost shot Peter.

"Fight them it is"

Peter came down the ceiling and started fighting them.

After a few minutes Peter had Clint, Bruce, Sam, Wanda and Vision webbed to the floor or wall. Tony and Natasha were the last ones. Only it didn't go as good as Peter hoped. He was pinned down on the floor by Natasha and Tony was aiming for his head. Peter closed his eyes, not wanting to see his mentor kill him.

"OMG" Tony screamed, returning to his own self.

Natasha released her grip on Peter. Peter opend his eyes and sighed in releaf.


"What happened?" Wanda asks.

"Uhm, some kind of gas went in this room and after it cleared everyone had red eyes and started attacking me. So I fought you all." Peter explained.

"Wait, you were in the room too, why didn't it affect you?" Tony asks.

"I don't know, probably my fast matabolism. Bruce what do you think?"

"I don't know, but I want to take a few test Peter. You were exposed to the gas and we don't know what will happen." Bruce said.

"But I feel fine." Peter whined.

"I still want to check you."


Peter, Bruce and Tony went to medbay, and Bruce checked Peter.

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