It's too much.

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Peter has never met the Avengers, he only met Tony and saw Bruce once in Tony his lab. Civil War happened

Warning: sensory overload.

three times it was too much for Peter Parker.

When Peter Parker woke up he already had a little headache. The start of something worse. Today was Saturday so that means he will go to Stark Tower. He got some breakfast and went to the subway. When he arrives at Stark Tower he felt his Spidey Sense tingle, but he saw nothing dangerous. When he took the elevator to the penthouse, his Spidey Sense was worse. Little did he know that all the Avengers were in the penthouse. When the elevator doors opened he walked in the living room. His Spidey Sense told him to move to the right, so he did. Then a knife flies right next to his face. "Who are you?" Asks Natasha. Peter looks in the direction of the voice and saw all the Avengers. "M-mister S-stark?" Peter Asks. Then Tony walks in. "Hey kid, how are you?" he asks. "Tony, who is he?" Asks Steve. Tony walks to Peter and puts an arm around his shoulder. "This is Peter Parker, my personal intern and also known as Spider-Man.". Tony says. "H-hi.". Peter says nervously.  "YOU BROUGHT A KID TO A FIGHT?!" Steve yells. Peter is scared of the loud voice.
Peter covers his ears, it was too loud. He squeezed his eyes shut because everything became too much. The lights were too bright, the noises were too loud. He could hear every single heartbeat of everyone in the tower.
Peter almost fell on the ground. It was too much. His headache was worse than it has ever been. His legs feel like pudding. 
Tony saw that the kid wasn't good, he didn't new what it was so he asks: "Kid is everything okay?" "Too............... loud..........." He whispers. Tony knew the kid has heightened sense, but he didn't know that he could get a sensory overload or something. 
"I DROPPED AN........"
Everyone quieted down. Peter was now laying on the ground. "Stay quiet!" Tony whispers to the others. Tony wanted to put a hand on Peter his shoulder, but when he did Peter flinched. "Come on Pete, let's bring you to your room." Tony said as quiet as possible. Peter still flinched at the sudden noise, but he nodded slightly. He slowly got up and walked to his room, when he was in his room all the light was out and the walls were soundproof. Soon he fell asleep.
The Avengers stood there, a bit scared. 
"Did we break the kid?" Clint asks.
"Yes, you guys did!" Tony says when he walks back into the room. 


It was a normal day, at least Peter thought. His science teacher was sick, so they got a substitute. But when Peter walked into the classroom, he already could smell the perfume of the teacher. Peter sat in the back with Ned, but he could still smell the really strong perfume. He felt very sleepy and a bit lightheaded. The teacher told the class to do some homework, and they had to be quiet.
"Dude, are you okay?" Ned asks quietly.
"Hmm?" Peter said, very sleepily. 
"Are you okay?" Ned asks, a little bit louder.
"Yeah...." Peter says.
"Mister Parker, move to the front!" The teacher says.
As Peter stands up he feels more light headed. He's looking for support on a table. "Miss I'm not feeling so good."
"Parker quit with your game, and come here."
When Peter wants to walk to the front he collapsed on the ground. "Miss I think he should get to the nurse." Ned Says. The teacher nodded, and Ned and MJ brought Peter to the nurse. 
When Peter woke up he was at his bedroom in Stark Tower, with a worried Tony next to him. "kid you're awake. What happened?"
"Other teacher, too much perfume, high sense, felt sick, passed out." Peter says sleepily. Than Peter falls back to sleep.


It was Friday, so that means Peter goes to SI after school. School went by way too slow! After school, Peter managed to avoid Flash. He sees Happy's car and gets in the back. "Hey Happy!" Peter says enthusiastically. Peter tells Happy about his day, and Happy listens but never says any word. When they arrived at SI, Peter was doing his homework.
"We are here." 
"Thanks Happy."
Peter walks out of the car, into the lobby. He walks to Tony his private elevator. "Welcome back Peter, Boss is in his private lab." FRIDAY says when Peter walks into the elevator. When he arrives at Tony his lab, he sees Tony working on an old car. Peter goes to Tony to help him.

After 3 full hours of working Tony says: "Let's go out for some food, how sounds the McDonalds?"
"I'm going to take a quick shower and then I'm ready to go.
After 5 minutes Tony and Peter are in the car they fixed. When they are at the McDrive Tony Asks:
"Hey kid, what do you want?"
"Uhm a happy meal with a chocolate milkshake and chicken nuggets."
Tony turns to the board.
"A happy meal with chicken nuggets and a chocolate milkshake and that 3 times. And a Big Mac menu with a coke."
"Okay, that is $23,68. You can drive to the next stop."

After they paid and drove to a park to eat Peter asks: "Mr Stark, why did you buy 3 happy meals?" "Because you have a fast metabolism so you have to eat much food." Tony says. Peter nodded in understanding. 
After 20 minutes they have eaten al their food, and want to walk back to the car. But they get interrupted by the pres. 
Al those flashes are too bright for Peter. The voices are too loud for him. Tony sees peter covering his ears and shutting his eyes. Tony puts his arms around Peter and makes a way to the car. When he is in the car he whispers: "FRIDAY activate S.O. protocol."
The car became light and soundproof. After 20 minutes Peter fell asleep. Tony deactivates S.O. protocol and drives home where he puts Peter in his bed.

Words: 1052

Hope you like it!!


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